Author Topic: Guy in Arizona gets gunned down by SWAT team  (Read 9939 times)

But if there were dark figures outside your home with assault rifles and pistols with safety off

Wouldn't you have done the same?

he was well aware that they were cops. that isnt even the debate in the article.
where you guys are assuming he was confused is beyond this topic. you are wrong.

the fact is, he was a criminal, he knew they were cops and that he was being raided.

he was well aware that they were cops. that isnt even the debate in the article.
where you guys are assuming he was confused is beyond this topic. you are wrong.

the fact is, he was a criminal, he knew they were cops and that he was being raided.
But what if he may have thought that they were faking it

He's dead, so how do you know he didn't?

That's sad.
Also it happened on my birthday. 0.0

I had the same argument with my mother.

SWAT doesn't burst down a door before identifying. They would've yelled 'police'.
SWAT was informed it was a drug dealer that was armed and dangerous. They were suspecting an armed man trying to kill them. They saw what they suspected.
The training was not sufficient for the weapons used.
Them leaving the man to die is bullstuff. Paramedics were waiting for the SOP 'all clear' before they could move in.
Intel gave them a bad address.
70 shots is bullstuff. That would require mental handicapation. Media is blowing everything up.

If you were informed that a dangerous man was armed in that building, and you went inside to find a man readying a weapon, are you saying you wouldn't fire? Too protect yourself and the men next to you?

What they shouldn't of done was lie about it. That's really the only wrong thing they did.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2011, 07:17:31 PM by asablief »

But what if he may have thought that they were faking it
what if what if what if

After seeing the video I have mixed feelings now
When the swat team went inside, probably scared as stuff that he may be armed, when they saw him with a gun they probably knew he was going to shoot so they opened fire before he could. If they warned him to drop any weapons before they entered then that would have probably changed the outcome.
Still, i can't decide who is the "bad guy"

Nobody is the bad guy. Everyone is at fault.

so uh where is the link to the vid

If you were informed that a dangerous man was armed in that building, and you went inside to find a man readying a weapon, are you saying you wouldn't fire? Too protect yourself and the men next to you?

yes, because i have not undergone the training that people in jobs like the swat team have. they are trained to deal with this without freaking out and gunning him down, and they threw that training out the window and went with their first instinct. there's a reason not everyone can join the swat team
But then how did these officers get in the swat team, and kill an innocent man simply trying to defend his family?
because the current police system in america allows these people to join the swat team and then get no repercussions from doing bad stuff

>wife tells him men with guns are at the door
no stuff he'd defend himself
it's basically her fault for misinforming him and causing him to be a victim of circumstance

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — Jose Guerena Ortiz was sleeping after an exhausting 12-hour night shift at a copper mine. His wife, Vanessa, had begun breakfast. Their 4-year-old son, Joel, asked to watch cartoons.


Jose Guerena Ortiz

I think I found the reason why he was gunned down.

lotsa stuff in tucson

No, the training tell them to shoot a man who is threatning you. You point a loving m16 at anyone, it's their SOP to take you down.
because the current police system in america allows these people to join the swat team and then get no repercussions from doing bad stuff
Yea and the current police system in america saves your ass on a regular basis. If anyone is too blame its the guys sending the orders down. Go point an m16 at the police, they don't give a forget if you're innocent or not, they're going to take you down. The fact that they thought the man was a drug dealer with the intent to kill only makes the argument more valid.