Author Topic: Blatant Anti-Bronies  (Read 56894 times)

this quote makes no sence.
Yeah, and everything you've said makes total sense.

that's your opinion and good for you
but if you put someone down for watching the show you're a richardass

I don't hate them for watching it, I hate them for never shutting up about watching it.

I find anyone that has anything to say about ponies (anti or supporting) to be annoying

both sides are equally annoying

resposting because page loss and stfu

I don't hate them for watching it, I hate them for never shutting up about watching it.
nobody's forcing you to click on ponithread

nobody's forcing you to click on ponithread

he doesn't like it because of the fact that it's there

nobody's forcing you to click on ponithread

You realize that they go out of the pony thread with it.. right?

You realize that they go out of the pony thread with it.. right?

he doesn't like it because of the fact that it's there
or at least that's the idea that randomly popped into my head

You can always adblock them if they really irritate you that much

You can always adblock them if they really irritate you that much

"stop shooting me"

"you know you could always like ignore the bullets lol"

people are allowed to have what they want as their avatars. limiting that simply because you don't like a show or game depicted in the avatar is babies

Yeah I can. And I do. But most of these people change them every day.

I also cant stand getting Pony related video suggestions on You-Tube cause the people who upload the videos like putting unfitting tags on them..
I call that forcing opinions.

Why am I being attacked for my opinion?
Why do you and your buddies spring on opportunities to attack other people with other opinions?
This is why I hate you people.
Just.. let it be.