Name: Johnny Blockhead
BL_ID: 26520 (forum account is 14903)
Previous administration experience:
1.Visolator's Servers
2.George's Servers
3.DrumStix's Jail Escape,
4.Armando's Various RPs
5.Hyaku's various servers
6.Box's servers
7.Cromey's Deathmatches
8.Thex0r's Scallywag TDM
9.Sid Sopwith's Guardian's Freebuild
10.Major Kong's Island Exploration
[I'd also like to note I am the creator of Globeservers 1, Globeservers 2, and The Hub] This isn't even 1/4 of all of the servers I have administrated on, I just can't remember. The clans I have created will not distract me. If I get accepted, I will full-on devote myself to the server.
Who recommends you?:'
1. Zuki (He is admin on this server, also known as Tophat)
2. Soroxzion
3. Visolator
4. KelBlock
5. Redconer
6. Jonathant1 (aka ThePlasticRobot)
7. DrumStix
(I used to have 42 reccomendations, but I went with quality over quantity)
Why should I accept you?: As administrator of this server, I will live up to the average expectations as admin, and more. When I administrate, the server comes before me. If any of the players are being disturbed, I will use logic and reasoning to fix it. I can operate on my own, and I am not a “robot”, as some admins on other servers are. I can handle the stress of being admin, and if one of my fellow administrators is having a hard time, I will do my best to help them. If there is an argument, I am sure to listen to both sides of the story and not just ban the first person I see. These are all basic parts of being an admin. When I administrate, I go above and beyond to make sure that players can get the best experience as possible out of the server. I also notice that at very late and early times, there is a lack of admins on the server. I am indeed a night owl, playing as much as humanely possible. With the new audience of steam members playing Blockland, I will also be sure to help them if they are confused. I have observed other admins, and have learned from their triumphs, and their mistakes.
Timezone/Region: Pacific Time Zone (California), USA
Ike: Judging from personal experience and opinion, I'm going to say no. Johnny Blockhead isn't exactly mature, nor would I trust his judgement.
Zuki: From experience, I recommend Johnny Blockhead.
Aware: I've seen Johny Blockhead in game, and you have decent recommendations and experiences. A lot of your reasons are generic, but from what I've seen you are very competent. Yes
Marioguy0: Half of your recommendations mean nothing to me, but I suppose you are passable. Yes.
Dr. Zegobob: I have mixed feelings about this app. While it is mostly well written and you have some recommendations that I could relate to (like Zuki and Sorox), I somewhat have to agree with Ike here. You do put a lot of time into the server, which I love, but you do act somewhat immature and a little... unpredictable.
TheBlackParrot: once again, no.
siba: no
Mr. J: I hate to be blunt and to the point, but no.
Jetz: I feel this one got ran over last time by the denial train due to the momentum it had from the other apps. I'm well aware you spend plenty of time on the server, and your recommendations and history are good. Yes.
Bester Bageler: N0
Ipquarx: I think you'd do just fine here. Yes.
Greek2me: While you're not always the most mature member of the community, I like you. Yes.
Fastlex: I have seen Jonny on the server he could be a good admin. But you act a little immature at times. yes.
Gamefandan: I've had Johnny as one of my personal admins, he is to be trusted as far as I'm concerned; yes.
Gizmo: I suppose this app isn't bad, but I can't say yes. So no.
Score: 2. Debate required
Name: Drumstix
BL_ID: 42059 (Do not judge me by my ID, many people do and think I'm new because of it which I'm not)
Experiences: I am admin on the following--
1) Zapk's Prop Hunt
2) Tezuni's Prison Escape
3) Count's Server [Super Admin]
4) A-Spec's Throw Mod
5) Psyche's Bounty Hunter
6) Loose Valve's FortWars [Super Admin]
7) Sabre's Server
8) Crown's Prison Escape
9) Jawbreaker's Server [Super Admin]
10) Berint's Server
11) Nail's Jail Escape [Super Admin]
12) Brotatoe's Boulder Dash
13) Bloodage12's Server
14) Psudoz's Server [Super Admin]
My Administrating Technique This is how I use my administrating skills--
Spamming: 1st Time | Warning
Spamming: 2nd Time | Kick
Spamming: 3rd Time | Ban [Expiration Date | 1 Day]
Trolling: 1st Time | Kick
Trolling: 2nd Time | Ban [Expiration Date | 2 Days]
Flaming: 1st Time | Ban [Expiration Date | 60 Minutes]
Flaming: 2nd Time | Ban [Expiration Date | 1 Day]
Hackers:Immediate Ban [Expiration Date | Never]
I will also think of a system for other things players do to cause the server to fall.
And a few other small servers. I also have hosting experiences, (I am working on an AirRace right now.) and situation experiences.
Why? I generally want the server to be better than it already is! Simply doing that by dealing with people who cause the server to fall, such as spammers, Trollers, etc. I am very fair to players who cause trouble, I treat them like any other player, I treat them politely and let them explain to me what they did wrong before I kick/ban. I am a very experienced admin, and many people would recommend me. I am always on Blockland, and would love to help out, and be apart of the admin team!
Recommendations: feel free to ask them, all of them trust me and recommend me.
1) Crown
2) XR_7
3) Tezuni
4) Eagle
5) Jawbreaker
6) Jibblito
7) Made O Rubber
8) Johnny Blockhead
9) A-Spec
10) Goof
11) Mcloler
12) Scriode
13) Hyperion
14) Champion108
15) Zapk (Maybe, haven't asked)
And countless other players.
Time Zone/Area: Alaska, U.S.A
Ike: From what I've seen, Drumstix is an alright admin, I'm going to say yes.
Zuki: A fair admin, although the "Technique" part seems a bit flawed. Passed.
Aware: There is no need to add sections to your application, or move them around. We also have a mute feature, so there is no need to kick for a 2nd offense with spaming. Your reasons are also generic. I have to say no.
Dr. Zegobob: I feel bad to say no to this, but I feel like that's what I need to do. I see that you have many recommendations and experiences, but the format, like Marioguy said, is annoying, and from what I see of you, I don't think you are up for the job. Sorry.
siba: Undecided
Marioguy0: I could not bring myself to read this due to the format. Abstain.
Mr. J: Your recommendations have brought me to say no when I actually waded through how you organized it twice.
TBP: no
Bester Bageler: Yes I think you will make a valuable contribution.
Jetz: Thank you for listing your own server rules that don't apply to our server. No.
Ipquarx: Just judging by the fact that you think we're stupid enough to think that your BLID actually matters in the reviewing process, and that you'd add someone to your reccommendations list without asking them, my answer is no.
Greek2me: No.
Fastlex: no.
Gamefandan: The fact that he would consider our ever taking his BL_ID further into account than simply "how long has this person been playing" seems to exude a lack of faith in his own maturity; no.
Gizmo: No
Score: -7. Denied
Most often used IGN: Mr Queeba
BL_ID: 44574
Who recommends me: Frozen X2, Chocolatetoast, Superbro11, possibly more.
Admin expirience: I have a lot of experience with admin, like sometimes I would tinker with admin stuff in my server. I am a admin on Doaler4back's and Frozen X2's servers. Possibly more.
Moderator expirience: Not much, I am only a moderator on Skelesys's prison escape which was once a popular server but then they stopped hosting it for some reason.
Why I want to be admin: Well, you see, I really like to play these servers and be helpful in them. I will go forward, without a doubt, to help all players in servers and respect them and the rules. I have played Blockland for a few months now, and I believe I am ready to post this admin app. Other than being helpful, I am also kind and serious. I will ban the rule breakers, as I must do as a Admin. I want to see this server grow more and more, and I want to help the server grow. And you know, administrating is a kinda hard job. When you receive reports of a rule being broken by a player, you need to see the evidence and then take appropriate action. But, I can easily handle being a admin. I am also a Active player, but due to things like School, I cannot be on blockland like a whole lot.
Ike: I'm going to have to say no.
Zuki: I think you need just a little more time to get more to recommend you as well as some experience.
Aware: No, Mr Queeba is not admin material.
Marioguy0: You need more "expirience" than what you listed. No.
Dr. Zegobob: No. Not at all. What Aware said.
siba: no
TBP: no
Mr. J: I am afraid not.
Bester Bageler: No, please. I'm sorry but your name sounds to much like "Mister Queer ba!" and I dislike gays
Jetz: Well done creating a part of your application that wasn't in our format, then doing a stuffty job filling it in. No.
Ipquarx: all glory to the hypnotoad
Greek2me: I'm sorry, but no.
Fastlex: No.
Gamefandan: That's going to have to be a no.
Gizmo: lol
Score: -13. Denied
Name: Ethan The (loving awesome) Great
BL_ID: 12523
Previous administration experience: Aoki's, people, I'm mod on TONS of places, HellSpys, other places, YEAHHHH
Who recommends you?: Aoki, everyone, people, yeahhhh
Why should I accept you?: Cause everyone loves me, and I do what the people want, and im awesome, and great
Timezone/Region: Antarctica
Ike: pls no
Zuki: Yeeaaahhh, no.
Aware: Guess.
Dr. Zegobob: No.
Cknfrydsteak: Ba-gawk.
TBP: no, ethan the (you tried to be and failed horribly) great.
Mr. J: Really?
Bester Bageler: Yes! I agree fully with everything you said, everyone does love you is 100% correct! that is a yes from me!
Jetz: I hate joke apps. forget off. No.
Ipquarx: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
hhhhhhhhhhh no
Greek2me: No.
Fastlex: No.
Gamefandan: No.
Gizmo: I hate joke apps. forget off. No.
Score: -14. Denied
Name: Fiscon
BL_ID: 10933
Previous experience as an Admin
Xenos109 City RPG
Victory's Server
Hazel's Server
Fiscon's City RPG - I understand that is mine, and it shows that I understand the position of host, which is the only reason I listed it.
Redoctober2009's server - Not very well known, but I figured if I don't have quality like you mentioned, next best thing.
Jerky's Server - Similar to above.
Who would recommend Fiscon: Jerky, Xenos109, Honytawk, Mr.Berlin and Hazel. I have a fifth option. His name is Storm Surge, but he was apparently banned for spamming, so I'm going to take quality over quantity and go with Jerky, Xenos, Honytawk, Mr.Berlin and Hazel on this one.
Timezone/Region: Phoenix, USA
Why should you accept me?
Don't worry, I did not forget this question, it'd destroy my whole attempt if I did. I don't have many outstanding features, I'm not famous, I don't know everyone, and I certainly don't know how to do much when it comes to the neat and fun things with Torque script. All of the previous just brings down my standard of quality, but I believe there is one thing that is a reason that can wipe the previous lacks away. It is something that many may consider foolish or not even worth their time, but I find it special simply because it shows that I just don't give two stuffs about someones opinion on me when it comes to this. I can ask questions, no matter how noobish or stupid they can or may be. It progresses ones learning and has always been an advantage in my gaming. From the first time I learned to open JVS doors to the time I learned maps were removed after my vacation, this special thing has assisted me everywhere. Sadly it is a small and useless way to sell ones self to many.
Something small to note. I host many things ranging from Blockland servers to Teamspeaks and even my own website. All of this is done under the name Fiscon. I have no intention of ruining my small name by making a mistake I will regret on Blockland, or anywhere else for that matter.
Website: - To show I own a website.
Teamspeak: - Proof of teamspeak. No password just this address.
Images: - Missing a image of Hazel's response due to his absence.
Thank you for any time spent reading.
Ike: Good-quality app, so I'm saying yes.
Aware: Images, hnnnng. I've seen you ingame and you are very trolly. No.
Marioguy0: I am going to go with you having your hands full already. No.
siba: no
Dr. Zegobob: I don't think this is approve-worthy material.
TBP: no
Mr. J: I think I remember seeing you on the server before, and I must say no.
Zuki: It seems like you don't have the time for this server, even if you were accepted.
Jetz: Like, 80% of that reason to accept you was useless padding, and about half of that useless padding was self derogatory. No.
Bester Bageler: I say no because No
Greek2me: Sorry.
Fastlex: No, sorry.
Gamefandan: Going to have to say no.
Gizmo: No
Score: -13. Denied