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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1660112 times)

Administration Application

Name:Xquavier The Umbreon

Blockland Identification : 138692

Previous Administrations : Grouptree24, Hotremox, and Hayden8r

Recommendations : Hotremox, Grouptree24, and Fen

Acception : Although this game is quite fun but all I want to do is to expand the community, help on the development, protect the people that are getting bullied, almost on Blockland everyday and active, saw how friendly the admins are when Tophat had his birthday with his birthday I heart touched when all the admins were celebrating his birthday and I wanted to help with his birthday too,and I can be also easily contacted through via Steam (Profile Name:Xquavier The Umbreon)

Time Zone that I'm in: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)


Quote from: http://bossbattles.pecon.us/admin/
Also, don't do what several people have done and post it again if you need to change it afterwards. Just edit it.

* Tophat coughs

While I do appreciate that, it probably isn't a good reason to accept one as an admin, although I thank you for your kindness.

Not spawn camping, just when people sit in the class choosing spawn, and their not AFK.
Those people stop counting three minutes into the game. If everyone in the field is dead at that point, or everyone in the field dies after that point, the people with no class chosen are disregarded and the boss wins.

Those people stop counting three minutes into the game. If everyone in the field is dead at that point, or everyone in the field dies after that point, the people with no class chosen are disregarded and the boss wins.
Yeah, but whats the point of fighting a 6k health DS when half of the Normals are just sitting there in the spawn dilly dallying around.

Server just crashed when like 20 people connected at the same time

While looking through Gontron and Swain's map, I'm pretty sure it needs heavy revamps. I'll attempt to fix it, but it might take forever

This was built near my build in Wrapper's Bedroom. I was tipped off that it has to do with Death Valley.

"While looking through Redconer's map, I'm pretty sure it needs heavy revamps. I'll attempt to fix it, but it might take forever" - Kalim

Well I see things changed, I will soon be making a comeback at the server, maybe today...

Here is why I am not able to help as much as I used to:

I usually come in to help during the holidays, but due to High school, being very busy and life stuff...

I have yet to install BL on my new hand me down laptop (That was never used so its practically new), I don't think its worth it as its specs are: an old Celeron CPU, Intel Family Graphics Chipset, 3GB of Ram. It also originally ran Vista but, I wiped it and put Linux Mint 17 on it.
Battery life is 4 hours or less...so dependence on the charger is annoying.

I don't think its worth it cloning my entire BL directory onto there, but If I do get it running on there I think performance is going to be horrible, whenever I get a new laptop that actually has good specs I will do it though.

TLDR;High school, life stuff, craptop not worth adding BL to, busy.

So yea don't think I have forgotten about the ol' Boss Battles Server, If I could I would dedicate all my time to it, but as I said, its hard to do that right now.

If you're planning on installing it with wine, install it on plain Debian.

I have an idea.
When the bedroom static map is released, remake the really old brick save from 2011, include all the new features.

it would be cool if you could beable to sell titles for bosscoins

it would be cool if you could beable to sell titles for bosscoins
With a lower price you bought them for :cookieMonster: