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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1697295 times)


Name: SirLancelot

BL_ID: 3824

Previous Experience: I govern my own server mostly, but I am quite capable of handling large amounts of players.  I am an admin on Conan's server, Furling's server,
and Phantom Knight's server. I am also a moderator on Count's server.

Who recommends you?:  I don't think it is right to speak for others.

Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate):  I am very good at administration.  I have led a successful clan for over a year, and I always keep my server under control, even in times of stress.  I follow directions incredibly well.  I don't take crap from people, but I still listen to their problems and make an unbiased decision.  I am a 3.9 GPA student with extremely challenging classes.  I have good morals as a person.

Your Timezone/Region: MST
Here I can update my application since I found out the other 2 servers:





Untamed's Server (SA)
Sgt. Waffle's Server (SA)
Ze Spy's Server (A)
Outlaw's Server (A)
Boldin 81's Server (SA)
(And I am a Moderator on some guys server, I forget his name)

-Recommended by-

Untamed, Sgt. Waffle, and Ze Spy

-Why you should accept me-

First, please note that I screwed up on the first application. nyways, you should accept me because I am a GREAT Moderator and so many people like me. I really would like to be admin because I am great at it and I don't ban or kick as often as other admins. I also have lots of fun and I have a high spirit.


Central Time (Texas USA)
I am active usually during morning and evening.


Note I still cannot make any changes for a few hours.

Name: Golden Knight
BL_ID: 13854
Previous Experience: At boss battles it ROCKS!
Who recommends you?: Morningstar
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I am an great admin on many servers. And will be cautious.
Your Timezone/Region: northeast

Name: Golden Knight
BL_ID: 13854
Previous Experience: At boss battles it ROCKS!
Who recommends you?: Morningstar
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I am an great admin on many servers. And will be cautious.
Your Timezone/Region: northeast
I doubt that will be accepted.

How many admins are there now, lol.

Forgot to mention, I am super admin on Boston Terrier's servers. :/

Thanks! I look forward to it.
lucky you, I work so hard to get admin on another server and someone who made a smilpier app gets granted >:(

Forgot to mention, I am super admin on Boston Terrier's servers. :/
lucky you, I work so hard to get admin on another server and someone who made a smilpier app gets granted >:(
um, not to be an ass, but remember that clan you had?

um, not to be an ass, but remember that clan you had?
nope... I completely forgot...

Mine still wasn't denied or accepted....
Its on page 2 or just go to page 5 to see the link to page 2.

*EDIT: Page 1 sorry.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 06:14:26 PM by tkepahama »

Pecon, can you please add back the ninja dude? I call him rainbow ninja, and one round I PWNED with him! Please add rainbow ninja back because I think he would make a REALLY good challenge! But! Can you make it so that boss is locked until like 40 people are on the server? Because I think I did an epic pwn job for a reason.

nope... I completely forgot...
Well, pecon might have seen that which could have possibly reduced your chances for admin.

Name: Kill All
BL_ID: 3992
Previous Experience: Managing my own server as well as Griffen's server from time to time. I am an admin on DerrickJMitchell's, and The Squirrel Knight's server.
Who recommends you?: I can't speak for anyone at this time.
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I am cool headed with decisions, but will not tolerate spammers, trolls, or anyone who ruins the game for their own pure enjoyment. I make sure to issue an appropriate punishment for any rule breakers, and will rarely permaban anyone (they must be an extremely idiotic, and persistent nuisance). I try to maintain the fun and enjoyable atmosphere of each server I am on and will not do anything to jeopordize that. So far I have been able to maintain a 4.0 unweighted GPA and a 4.6 weighted GPA.
Your Timezone/Region: PST

Ever since you started the application process here, the number of people who come to the server and ask if they can be an admin has skyrocketed.

Ever since you started the application process here, the number of people who come to the server and ask if they can be an admin has skyrocketed.
Why don't they post here instead of going to the server and : "Cna I Haz Admin?"