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0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1664483 times)

Apparently so. I didn't realize that the server administration was made up of a bunch of sensitive thirteen year old morons.
dude he openly allowed anyone to apply for admin. of course there's going to be a bunch of noobs applying cuz they cant get it anywhere else. its not like pecon knows and appoints these guys based on their 'ethical and moral justice' or some stuff.

dude he openly allowed anyone to apply for admin. of course there's going to be a bunch of noobs applying cuz they cant get it anywhere else. its not like pecon knows and appoints these guys based on their 'ethical and moral justice' or some stuff.

The admins he has selected are not idiots.

Quote from: Pecon98

Reward system - 75%


I still think it could use some improving.
The "NO REFUNDS" sign shouldn't be there; I'm sure there's some way of fixing issues such as
Buy item -> round ends before spawn is exited or boss is afk and gets kicked -> round resets before any use of item was made
Buy wrong item -> complain
The music thing. The entry button should disappear after a song is bought, so one person doesn't buy a 500-point song only to have it overlapped with some cheap, default, 100-point song.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 01:46:11 AM by Wheatley »

Exactly this. Hank immediately had a grudge on me the moment I said he was "too easy." I didn't know a little stuff talking was against the rules? Just because you're a loving admin doesn't mean you should have the right to ban me because I called you "too easy." Grow up and deal with stuff talk. This grudge eventually led to his personal anger towards me getting in the way of his job: administrating Pecon's server. From what I have seen in Hank's last few posts (His Childish Capitalization, arguments that don't make sense (No one gives a forget), and lack of maturity), it's easy to tell that Hank is simply not ready and mature enough to handle the job of admin.
Once again, stuff talking is worthy of being told to "shut up" and eventually banned? Since when did everyone become a pusillanimous individual? Sounds like another admin can't deal with someone insulting them in the slightest.
Okay, now let me get this straight.
I'm "holding a grudge" because you were being a complete nuisance to the server. You didn't stop with your crap, complete douche-baggery towards everyone. I don't have anything personal against you, I just felt you were being a douchebag on purpose. As you have proved, all you do is bitch and moan like a 12 year old. This server doesn't need trolls, which is the reason you're banned.
By the way your acting here, you know why you're banned and you deserve to be banned. You never shut the forget up, and when it comes to warnings you brush them off and continue. I warned you countless times and you ignored me. All you could say was "Scrub" and "Easy" and other stuff insults. You don't stop. The administration eventually got sick of your stuff and banned you with reasoning. So stop bitching and loving accept the fact you're banned and its over-with. Go troll elsewhere.
dude he openly allowed anyone to apply for admin. of course there's going to be a bunch of noobs applying cuz they cant get it anywhere else. its not like pecon knows and appoints these guys based on their 'ethical and moral justice' or some stuff.
And for you, You have no loving reason to be here, nor do you have the right to judge the admin's from a forum topic.
Seriously, Xang should just stay banned for being a bitchy-whiny friend.

vote nasoa get  :cookie: s 999 plan solutions yeah

Host this on bedroom upside-down one time, that would be interesting.

No, vote Lance!  Ask yourself: Do you have arms?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are meant to vote for Lancelot!

A vote for Lancelot is a vote for arms!

No, vote Lance!  Ask yourself: Do you have arms?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are meant to vote for Lancelot!

A vote for Lancelot is a vote for arms!


Thanks <3

No problem <3

No, vote Lance!  Ask yourself: Do you have arms?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are meant to vote for Lancelot!

A vote for Lancelot is a vote for arms!

Switching vote now. FOR ARMSSS!

Well a vote for Jetz is a vote for SirLancelot. You all clearly like Lancelot, so vote for me to show your support for him. A vote for Jetz is also a vote for Jetz; two votes for the price of one! In an economy like this, you can't afford not to vote for Jetz!

Alright, I was going to play this along a bit longer; but I decided perhaps I was waiting a bit too long.

First off, there IS a contest, and there IS a prize; but I am afraid a few candidates may be disqualified. As anyone could guess, vote-stuffing is cheating, and will not be tolerated. I have been watching the "Latest Member" section of the forum and predictably discovered that vote-stuffing was occurring.

And there has been plenty of these in the last day or so.

I have discovered that the key requirement did not block users from voting in polls, and has been exploited by at least three candidates. I am not directly accusing the candidates of doing this, because some of their supporters could have been doing it. Just know this, if you were stuffing the poll with bogus votes to support yourself or someone else, you have just killed their/your chance of winning.

SirLancelot, Tetris, and Jetz have been disqualified by this month's admin-for-the-month poll. Next month I will have a better method for vote counting.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience and despise those who vote-stuffed the polls.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 09:08:49 PM by pecon98 »

You all clearly like Lancelot

Thank you! I appreciate that!


Well that sucks.  I have two accounts and I voted me on both, but that's the only 'stuffing' I did.  I won't argue with the decision tho, good luck to the other admins.

To my friends, if you vote stuffed, shame on you.

I will have a better method for vote counting

Perhaps each person posts who they're voting for and we keep track of them all on the OP.

You disqualified admins from the vote because you think someone is whoarding votes?