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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1658767 times)

I aware doesn't get admin, that'll be crazy. He's/she's below 10k. AND I've seen him/her around other servers. He/she really is a good admin.

because Armageddon (ID 118) doesn't exist

ID means nothing.

His sentence was put together fine.

he said it in less of a "where did you get the avatrs?" way and more of a "You made this, right? you're awesome." way.
regardless, he fixed it.

he said it in less of a "where did you get the avatrs?" way and more of a "You made this, right? you're awesome." way.
regardless, he fixed it.
And then I explained that I don't.
Let's not argue this here.

And then I explained that I don't.
Let's not argue this here.

which is why I added the "regardless he fixed it." wasn't meaning to start an argument.

which is why I added the "regardless he fixed it." wasn't meaning to start an argument.
You sure did ask for it, though.

I would like to know why no one thinks the Infiltrator's backstab is insanely overpowered.
The only argument I get is "it's hard to do" but it happens on a regular basis (in about an hour of playing I've seen it happen probably twelve times). The "difficult to do" and damage ratio is a bit unbalanced. It either completely kills a boss or leaves them with <10% health, after just one hit. Please, someone give me an answer as to why this isn't overpowered that isn't "it's hard to pull off."
I'm fine with it doing an assload of damage but the fact that it can completely obliterate the boss in one hit is kind of stupid.

I would like to know why no one thinks the Infiltrator's backstab is insanely overpowered.
The only argument I get is "it's hard to do" but it happens on a regular basis (in about an hour of playing I've seen it happen probably twelve times). The "difficult to do" and damage ratio is a bit unbalanced. It either completely kills a boss or leaves them with <10% health, after just one hit. Please, someone give me an answer as to why this isn't overpowered that isn't "it's hard to pull off."
I'm fine with it doing an assload of damage but the fact that it can completely obliterate the boss in one hit is kind of stupid.
Okay. Here's an idea. Most of the people you see are nubs. It's been forever since I've been backstabbed because I improved my strategy. And yes. It is difficult to backstab on someone who knows how to play as the boss. However, people who come in and are bad at being boss need to learn. The people getting backstabbed either screw up or they're noobs. It's that simple.

because Armageddon (ID 118) doesn't exist
You'll slam on Kimon for using a jumbled sentence and then you go and do this? This reply makes NO sense.

You'll slam on Kimon for using a jumbled sentence and then you go and do this? This reply makes NO sense.
you're the one with the jumbled post, bro.
how's about we all take the night off, get some sleep, then review our posts in the morning when we're not busy strangling each other? sound good? i'm doing it anyway.

you're the one with the jumbled post, bro.
how's about we all take the night off, get some sleep, then review our posts in the morning when we're not busy strangling each other? sound good? i'm doing it anyway.
I'm not sure how that was jumbled, but I don't go to bed 'till 5am CST.

because Armageddon (ID 118) doesn't exist

ID means nothing.

he said it in less of a "where did you get the avatrs?" way and more of a "You made this, right? you're awesome." way.
regardless, he fixed it.
Ok, I do want this argument to stop, but this reply didn't make any sense -.-

I would like to know why no one thinks the Infiltrator's backstab is insanely overpowered.
The only argument I get is "it's hard to do" but it happens on a regular basis (in about an hour of playing I've seen it happen probably twelve times). The "difficult to do" and damage ratio is a bit unbalanced. It either completely kills a boss or leaves them with <10% health, after just one hit. Please, someone give me an answer as to why this isn't overpowered that isn't "it's hard to pull off."
I'm fine with it doing an assload of damage but the fact that it can completely obliterate the boss in one hit is kind of stupid.
It's basically to keep the rotation going. Bad/boring bosses are killed quickly. Plus, Infiltrators are easy targets for a good boss.

Okay. Here's an idea. Most of the people you see are nubs. It's been forever since I've been backstabbed because I improved my strategy. And yes. It is difficult to backstab on someone who knows how to play as the boss. However, people who come in and are bad at being boss need to learn. The people getting backstabbed either screw up or they're noobs. It's that simple.
This is the most handicapped response ever and I'm going to disregard it.

It's basically to keep the rotation going. Bad/boring bosses are killed quickly. Plus, Infiltrators are easy targets for a good boss.
Not when there's five of them trying to backstab me.

This is the most handicapped response ever and I'm going to disregard it.
Not when there's five of them trying to backstab me.

Kill the infiltrators, and the 'Retarted' response made sense. If you are good enough to NOT get backstabbed, you're good to go.