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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1660672 times)

Any modelers interested in improving this server please contact me regaurding my desperate need of a pumpkin for upcoming potential content.

No wonder you can toggle gizmo o_o

Does the server use music during matches?
I don't really frequent the place, so I wouldn't really know.

Does the server use music during matches?
I don't really frequent the place, so I wouldn't really know.
It does.

Just got point spited about 11k by RubberFruit. Basically when there were 5 players on, he was Kaje 2.0 and I was juggernaut. I hit him once and he Self Deleted.


I apply again only better. much better
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 10:34:02 PM by Slippery Soap »

Name: Slippery Soap
Previous administration experience: EVO's Servers other servers
Who recommends you?: People who play on the server
Why should I accept you? I think i would be a good admin, and i play this sever alot, and always wanted to help build. Im pretty good at building and eventing.
Mountain Time Zone /Region: Middle, USA
Let me save you the wait. This will be denied in half a second.

Read the tips here: http://bossbattles.pecon.us/admin/
Learn better grammar.
Get recommendations from real people.
Expand on "other servers".
Make up better reasons of why you should be accepted.

Just got point spited about 11k by RubberFruit. Basically when there were 5 players on, he was Kaje 2.0 and I was juggernaut. I hit him once and he Self Deleted.

he did have a reason to point spite, noting that 3 out of 5 of the people went minibosses, not to mention the most annoying ones.

he did have a reason to point spite, noting that 3 out of 5 of the people went minibosses, not to mention the most annoying ones.

Not a reason to make others waste their points and, Rubber is known to do this sort of thing. /toggleboss is still a thing regardless of who knows, if you still get boss even then, just skip it if you're not wanting to deal with the minibosses.

How's the progress on the replacement class?

It does.

Can you submit music to be used with a map you've produced?

Decided to sketch a rough drawing of the desert map in 20 minutes out of boredom. Im not the best drawer but I had nothing to do anyways.

Also, changed my ingame name to Mirage for no particular reason.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 07:26:41 PM by Jonathant1 »