Author Topic: Pokémon VG Megathread  (Read 778211 times)

Gen III..."my day"... lol.

Wailord is the only reference to Gen III there

Mew = Gen I or II, I forget

Sturdy only blocking Sheer Cold and Fissure = Gens I, II, III, IDK about 4

My gorsh you're silly. Sturdy didn't exist in Gens I or II, and it worked the same way in IV as in III. And Mew is Gen I. And Rayquaza is Gen III.

You forgot Pokepark for WII


I know you're insulting me

but the delivery is so damn funny

To everyone suggesting games: Spin-offs are not included

A spin-off is defined as any game that does not follow the format of the main series

It's likely I posted this before, pretty sure I did

but please add Smogon University to the OP

Added Smogon and Pokebeach.

I would really like some input on this team though before I get too much done and have to change something.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 05:29:52 AM by Regulith »

Pokemon Snap, at least, is a good spin-off. Can't you add something like a "Memorable Spin-off" section?

Added Smogon and Pokebeach.

I would really like some input on this team though before I get too much done and have to change something.

I'm biased toward Clefable because you can be looking at an entire team of just Clefables and each one is a very different Pokemon, albeit with the same type weakness. For its final move, it all comes down to what you're afraid of most. I'm fairly certain it can learn Psychic, so you can down those pesky Fighting-types and Ghost-types with that. Rock-types are always a danger, so if you haven't evolved it from Clefairy yet, you might want to consider Meteor Mash as an option. Flying-types probably won't be a big deal for you, since Rotom, but Thunderbolt might work.

All in all, it depends on how you look at your team and your style. My Clefable is going to has Substitute, Focus Punch, Meteor Mash, and Thunderbolt. This has good mixed attacking coverage as well as Substitute for deadly Sub-Punching.

All ground types need Earthquake, no exception, so Steelix is good in that department. You should have Rotom waiting in the wings to switch in on Water-types that will try to ruin Steelix's day.

Rotom is pretty good, but I just don't like Thunder Wave very much. I don't know why, it just seems pointless to me. If you can use it effectively, more power to ya.

I have no objections to Umbreon.

Heracross is great, except for Pursuit. I don't like the guessing game it turns into trying to figure out when to use it, but if you can do it, once again more power to ya.

I don't have any outstanding objections to Blastoise either.

Overall, good job.

tl;dr Clefable's last move depends on what you're most afraid of out there, Rotom just needs to watch Steelix's back.

dud mi tem is the BETTr one

Okay you know from the Sinnoh pokemon, that kid named Paul would get rid of the pokemon with bad stats? Everyone was all like oh no be like ASH u kno paul is a FGT he menie keep the pokemon! But let's be honest here if you want to be a good pokemon player you GOTTA do that. You catch about 6 of the samme species and keep the one with better stats! So if you say that Paul isn't doing it right, then you aren't either! amirite

Pokemon gotten rid of should randomly appear in the wild as overpowered bosses filled with rage and the want for revenge. :cookieMonster:

lawl, I've always wondered why you never see the pokemon you release

if you did, when I was 7 I would have been attacked by a very angry lvl 63 seaking