Author Topic: Pokémon VG Megathread  (Read 778209 times)

It's very weird how Vigoroth has so many incentives to never evolve him... I can't decide whether to catch a Slakoth and train all the way to Slaking, or Everstone him as Vigoroth and keep him that way.

I will now whip up an Eeveelution personality quiz on the spot and attempt to avoid the "Favorite Color" question, not including Glaceon or Leafeon.

1) What is your favorite Pokemon type out of these?
a) Fire
b) Water
c) Electric
d) Psychic
e) Dark
f) Normal

2) What do you value most in Pokemon?
a) High ATK
b) High HP
c) High SPD
d) High Sp. ATK
e) High Sp. DEF
f) Solid movepool

3) What is your favorite time of day?
a) Mid-day
b) Just as things start getting rolling in the morning
c) Afternoon
d) Crack of dawn
e) Dusk/Nighttime
f) All day!

4) Do you care what others think?
a) Hell, no I don't!
b) Words can hurt ;_;
c) Don't have time to care, stupid.
d) Yes, I have a reputation to uphold, you know.
e) I figure people probably dislike me anyway for something I do.
f) Pssh, naw! It's no fun to be depressed!

5) Do you believe in love?
a) No, way! Too many adventures to be had, too many grand achievements to make in the world for love!
b) Oh, most definitely. Love is very real :3
c) Maybe, don't have time to think about it.
d) Perhaps, perhaps not. I have a casual outlook on love, personally.
e) I don't know. I know there's no one that would love me, that's for sure.
f) Love is a fun experience to be had by all!

6) If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be? (Yep, Pokemon natures)
a) Bold/Brave
b) Docile/Calm
c) Hasty/Impish
d) Sassy/Adamant
e) Lonely/Timid
f) Naive/Jolly

7) Favorite sport?
a) Football
b) Swimming
c) Running
d) Gymnastics/Cheerleading/Dance
e) None

I know it's not too long, but it was a lot harder than I thought it would be... Now, for results.

Mostly A's: Flareon! You are bold, out there, ready for adventure! A powerful Fire-type, you don't hold back in what you do, and you love whatever it is you do!

Mostly B's: Vaporeon! You are a calm soul, although your heart may damage easily. Don't let it get to you - your laid-back approach to life makes it a joy.

Mostly C's: Jolteon! You are fast, furious, and aren't afraid of telling anyone! You don't have time for frivolous stuff in life... Nope, not you! Remember to take a break and smell the roses once in a while, though, okay? You might not know what surprises are right in front of you! It's about the journey, not the destination!

Mostly D's: Espeon! You enjoy the finer things in life, and like to play the dating game every once in a while as well. Remember, life's not all about casual romance and gratification. There may be things in life that you may find you enjoy that don't fit with your usual lifestyle.

Mostly E's: Umbreon! Dark, perhaps a bit twisted inside. While you can hold fun conversations and have friends, you wonder if they perhaps don't like you as much as you think they do. Take heart, wanderer! Life has something special for all, and you are no exception!

Mostly F's: Eevee! You have yet to evolve, and you're just peachy with that! Life is a fun, fast thrill ride! Nay, life exists purely for the enjoyment of those who take part in it! Beware, however. There are times when it is called for to sit and be quiet. As much as you want to, perhaps sing a favorite song, play a game with friends, patience is good now and again.


EDIT: Also according to my own quiz I'm Umbreon...
Yeah, I think that's me IRL pretty close.
4 E's, 2 D's, 1 B
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 06:40:51 PM by Vegetarian Zombie »

I'm going to build up a team for Pokemon Online with my most notable Pokemon from Generations I, II, and III. And by that, I mean the ones I used.

Here they are, pick which ones I should use.

NOTE: There will be Pokemon from previous generations, these however are the Pokemon I used in each Generation.

Gen I:

Gen II:

Gen III:

What's the best team of six I could make with these Pokemon?
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 07:43:28 PM by Vegetarian Zombie »

Breloom. Five Brelooms. And an Ampharos.

Breloom. Five Brelooms. And an Ampharos.


Brelooms everywhere

Oheylook an Ampharos.

Well, if people try Flying to take out all my Brelooms, they will be in for a nasty surprise from Ampharos.

But, no, I need variety.

Breloom, Slowbro, Houndoom. These guys can support each other's weaknesses.

Breloom, Slowbro, Houndoom. These guys can support each other's weaknesses.

Come to think of it in Gen III Emerald I used Houndoom more than Beautifly.

Editing my post

Your 3rd gen team is weak against ground and bug.

Beside the point.

Which six should I use?

EDIT: Hellforget I forgot Aggron.


Is what I think.

I must sound like a broken record :/

I need to know why to do that, not just to do that.

-Pretty fast I think, uses earthquake, stone edge, dig. I think it also know blizzard

-Power house, uses ice punches/fangs, hydropump/aquatail, bite, bulk up

-Technical stuff, thunderbolt, signal beam, thunderwave, lightscreen/reflect

-Quick hitter, boost with nasty plot, and continue to use darkpulse and flamethrower.

-Quick hitter, provides fighting moves such as uppercut and grass moves such as seed bomb. consider using punch moves as well. (Ice, thunder, mega)

-Support and special attacker, use things like reflect/lightscreen, up abilites with calm mind and hit people with psychic and focus blast.

Is what I think.

Compelling argument.

Not related, based on these Pokemon I have trained, what sort of Pokemon do I have an inclination towards? I can't figure out what kind of trainer I am based on this for some raisin.

You seem like tank/support.