Author Topic: America is done, folks.  (Read 22753 times)

S.AMDT.1126 Amendment SA 1126 proposed by Senator Feinstein. (consideration: CR S7685; text: CR S7685)
To limit the authority of the Armed Forces to detain citizens of the United States under section 1031.

Proposed doesn't mean the amendment actually got put in.

But if you look at the wording section 1031 it isn't really so bad. As far as I can tell you need to be associated with a terrorist group for them to lock you up.

Obama doesn't have the final say in the matter though...
Senate to President to House.

If President vetoes, House can overrule it IIRC.

Can the US Goverment get it's head out of it's asses?

First there the Internet Breaking thing.

Then there was the Pizza is a Vegetable

Now theres this.

What the forget is going on in America?

Can the US Goverment get it's head out of it's asses?

First there the Internet Breaking thing.

Then there was the Pizza is a Vegetable

Now theres this.

What the forget is going on in America?
Corporate Lobbyist.
The Occupy Protest people might actually have a point.

I think the government is just trolling, and that this is all a hoax.

Obama doesn't have the final say in the matter though...
It probably isn't going through.

Perhaps you forget that in 2006 your rights of Habeas Corpus were suspended in our "War on Terror" so that anyone with a "just and reasonable cause" to be marked as a terrorist could be captured and held without a trial, even if they were US citizens just on the supposed reason they were a terrorist.

Sure, maybe I overreacted in a sense, but who's in charge of that? Honestly?

I never typically react with the idea of revolution. I'm usually a very level-headed thinker, but you're right, the way it was worded did spark this resentment. Now if someone could clear up that Habeas Corpus has, in fact, been restored since the passing of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, then I'd probably have toned it down.

By the way, if you had read the further discussion, I did ask that very question:

Oh, by the way. Does anyone know?

Was Habeas Corpus ever un-suspended?

I remember Bush did for a while there.

This could tie right into that nicely, actually.

That was my first assumption, never once did I read the article. I read original plans of the bill, which have been revised since then, thankfully, that did not list the offenders of said bill as "supposed terrorists" but rather as "United States citizens who are accused of supposed terrorism." Wording means a lot in legal sense, as you obviously understand. That was my rant. That was my rave. That this bill came to exist with the words that would basically target the freedoms of all U.S. Citizens.

Now, as for the veto, yes, I also knew that, again, if you had read further:
Oh thank God.

Official word from the White House:

The White House has stated it will veto the bill due to the provision, but not necessarily for the reasons most critics are concerned with. They instead believe that the bill takes power away from the president and hands it to the military: “Any bill that challenges or constrains the President’s critical authorities to collect intelligence, incapacitate dangerous terrorists, and protect the Nation would prompt the President’s senior advisers to recommend a veto.”

So long as Obama keeps his end of this statement up, they may very well be able to kill this thing after all.

So basically, I was getting angry at this bill existence, not what it's become, but rather what it started out as.

I'm not a conspirator, I promise you, and I am willing to learn from mistakes (if you had read, basically everything you stated I'd already answered for myself).

Now, you're right. I got worked up over nothing, I learned that already. You basically came in with old information, at least, for me. Right now we're talking about communism, lol.

So yeah, I apologize for the abundance of rage in my thread here, it just caught me off guard when I read the original wording of the bill that I was outraged. But yeah, basically everything Titanium said. I'm a history major you see, and I've seen literally the spiral our country can take due to political corruptions (see Rockefeller, Calhoun, etc). I humbly step off my soap box.

I still stand by a change in powers though. I can't stand any of our elected officials. Obviously not through bloodshed, though. But still. We could use a nice clean sweep of new, less corrupt faces.

Americans and Canadians should become bros.


*California and hawaii can come to.

ill leave this here for shiggles.

i could have sworn thats not how you spell $700billion that i remember being pissed about in 08. oh well.

Oh, and ignoring the stuff post of an article I posted before, my major concerns came from the good people over at WIRED magazine.

Now, they might prove to be just speculation as well, but they're at least more intelligent people than just, say, internet bloggers.

This is where my hate originally sparked from.

Quote from: WIRED
So despite the Sixth Amendment’s guarantee of a right to trial, the Senate bill would let the government lock up any citizen it swears is a terrorist, without the burden of proving its case to an independent judge, and for the lifespan of an amorphous war that conceivably will never end. And because the Senate is using the bill that authorizes funding for the military as its vehicle for this dramatic constitutional claim, it’s pretty likely to pass.

Quote from: WIRED
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) said it “denigrates the very foundations of this country.” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) added, “it puts every single American citizen at risk.”

Quote from: WIRED
Voting against the defense bill is usually considered political Self Delete. That’s why the bill will almost certainly pass tonight. If Obama backs down from his veto threat, get ready to see Americans at Guantanamo Bay.

Now yeah, as we've discussed already, so long as Obama continues forth with his veto, what with the uproar of antagonism this has caused in the American people, it'd be political Self Delete for the House to try and over turn his veto.

Besides, this bill, despite what you read it as, caused too much stink over wording, and that in itself is worthy enough of being fed up.

This is all lol.
Unconstitutional, and the army is consisting of Americans, so they will turn on the government, taking down the tyranny. Gonna blow right the forget up in their face.
Congress: "Hey guys, lets see how long we can forget with america before they blow us up!"

>mfw I'm right.

Americans and Canadians should become bros.


*California and hawaii can come to.
But lets leave Jersey out.  They suck.  They aren't bros.

We were defeated and they stood and clapped.

But lets leave Jersey out.  They suck.  They aren't bros.
Howabout we leave out just Jersey shore? One of my best buds lives in Jersey.

Heck we can sell the cast for scientific experiments.

Welp, time for the UK, and Canada, and those other 14 or so countries to take it over and turn it into "The Lower Constitutional Monarchy of Queen Elizabeth II".

You guys are into long names.