Author Topic: Valve teases the next Half Life game via a shirt  (Read 4468 times)

could valve please stop making games?
itd be nice if they would just work on steam :)


They could be redoing the whole logo for the game if it was real, have you ever thought about that? Many games redesign their logos drastically with a new release.

I'm thinking Half-Life titles have the Lambada in the circle, and episodic titles have the number inside the circle.

I think I explained that better.

Valve probably has the game made and finished, and there just trolling us for anticipation and so that more people would look into buying it.


could valve please stop making games?
itd be nice if they would just work on steam :)

They have different teams for the games and steam

They have different teams for the games and steam

Their game teams must consist of 4 people altogether then

I think they are going to make a surprise release.
They are almost finished developing it but nobody knows, probably not even some of the people that work at valve.
This isn't the loving Manhattan Project. It's the next chapter in a quite frankly overrated game series.

If it takes em' at least 3 years to make it, HL3 should be badass or someone's going to get cut.

Lambda should be emphasized more than the three. They need to switch places.
note really
the whole icon shape is recognized by everybody already
I like it how it is
This isn't the loving Manhattan Project. It's the next chapter in a quite frankly overrated game series.
HL is not overrated
there is a difference between overrated and everybody liking it but you

Halflifenerd: Lalalala...
Valve guy: -Le HL3 Shirt
Valve guy: :trollface: Umad?

Since when did Valve make any sort of game with the number 3 in it. Don't get your hopes up on this. Lol

Oh god, it's like duke nukem all over again.

Oh god, it's like duke nukem all over again.
Isn't it though? I just hope it doesn't end up disappointing most of it's fans :(

Do any of you people remember Valve isn't going to make ANY single player games anymore?

Do any of you people remember Valve isn't going to make ANY single player games anymore?

oh right i remember hearing about this