Author Topic: Jealous critics are jerks  (Read 6187 times)

um to clone what i mean is ive noticed some people are pointing out the smallest of flaws in builds,decals (not realy decals though,most of them are just edits) and then some people are most likely just jealous and point out flaws and others are actully trying to help the person who made the build/decal but they worded it wrong or didnt make it obvious enough

No one is jealous of crap.

yes i get it allot of stuff is crap but when will someone finally say "OH i get it!" i am talking about actually GOOD stuff getting criticized for something that doesn't EVEN MATTER! OK? oh and skorpion,like your icon its pretty nice.

yes i get it allot of stuff is crap but when will someone finally say "OH i get it!" i am talking about actually GOOD stuff getting criticized for something that doesn't EVEN MATTER! OK? oh and skorpion,like your icon its pretty nice.

Show me one good thing that's been criticized that way.

the small chop/cafe was KIND of critisized but not that much theres an example

the small chop/cafe was KIND of critisized but not that much theres an example

Heh, yeah.

Also out of most annoying and idiotic building criticizers I find Sleven the one.

sleven? he sounds familiar but now do you understand what i am saying?

sleven? he sounds familiar but now do you understand what i am saying?

In a way, but still you should be able to handle it.

I only find criticism unfitting for good/really good builds/decals/etc.
When criticism is done for stuff, well, yeah...

multiple things to say, but yes people should take criticism better but they usually cant help it and most of this topic is just me and you talking,with the occasional side comment from someone and what started out as a misinterpreted post into a over 20 comments argument (if you would call this an argument).

multiple things to say, but yes people should take criticism better but they usually cant help it and most of this topic is just me and you talking,with the occasional side comment from someone and what started out as a misinterpreted post into a over 20 comments argument (if you would call this an argument).
You've been here longer than I have but you can't even spell.

....have a mice day was a joke......did i offend you? if so sorry and PM me about the problem have a NICE day everyone

just critism
if you ask me your critising us which makes you a jealous jerk
some decals are bad face it
some builds are bad face it

crepe first of all this topic has been resolved secondly, yes build are decals are bad if not clearly explained earlier,I'm talking about the GOOD ones not the "oh look a house with a TV!" and how am i jealous of people criticising???

....have a mice day was a joke......did i offend you? if so sorry and PM me about the problem have a NICE day everyone
Not that.

and then some people are most likely just jealous and point out flaws and others are actully trying to help the person who made the build/decal but they worded it wrong or didnt make it obvious enough

I've never seen anybody on this forum being "jealous" and rating something bad because of it.
You have absolutely no proof that people who give criticism are jealous.
Most recent things in the FacesDecalsPrints section are horsestuff anyways. Almost nobody tries anymore.

I've never seen anybody on this forum being "jealous" and rating something bad because of it.
You have absolutely no proof that people who give criticism are jealous.
Most recent things in the FacesDecalsPrints section are horsestuff anyways. Almost nobody tries anymore.
I think somebody's jealous.