Author Topic: [RELEASE] Wire Effect - Now with download link!  (Read 5741 times)

Wire effected created using a bunch of 2D shapes. It's fully working, but it's user not friendly yet, so I'm releasing it here so someone can figure out how to handle creation, saving, etc. Right now wires can be created between two bricks using the wire wand tool.

Beta 4: (Most Recent)
Beta 3: (Unstable)
Beta 2:
Beta 1: Lost link lol

Beta 4:
  • fxWireFunctions.cs: Fixed broken wireSetHidden, wireSetEmitter and wireSetColor functions
  • item_wireWand.cs: Wire slack is now automatically calculated to make wires of all lengths look more natural. Hopefully in the future wire slack will be easily adjustable for manual tweaking.

Beta 3:
  • fxWireFunctions.cs: Rewrote everything to use emitters to render wires
  • fxWireFunctions.cs: $fxWires::shapeDataBlock changed to $fxWires::defaultEmitter
  • fxWireFunctions.cs: Added function wireSetEmitter(%wire, %emitter)
  • Known Bug: wireSetHidden(%wire, %hidden) is messed up. It needs to be changed to it sets the emitter's color to "0 0 0 0" to hide and brick to the default color to unhide.
Beta 2:
  • item_wireWand.cs: Added global variable $fxWires::maxDist
  • item_wireWand.cs: Full trust is now required to use
  • item_wireWand.cs: Wires now change color and disappear when one of the bricks does
  • item_wireWand.cs: Wires will be deleted if one of their bricks is destoryed
  • item_wireWand.cs: Wire Wand will delete the wire if a wire already exist
  • fxWireFunctions.cs: Added function wireSetHidden(%wire, %hidden)
  • fxWireFunctions.cs: Added global variable $fxWires::wireQuota

Code: [Select]
wireCreate(%pointA, %pointB, %color, %slack [, %emitter])Makes a wire between pointA and pointB. color is the color of the wire, slack is how much the wire hangs down. emitter is the emitter datablock to use, if it is not specified the default is used. Returns the object ID of the wire.

Code: [Select]
wireDelete(%wire)Deletes the wire.

Code: [Select]
wireSetColor(%wire, %color)Changes the wire's color without deleting it and re-making it.

Code: [Select]
wireSetSlack(%wire, %slack)Changes the wire's slack without deleting it and re-making it.

Code: [Select]
wireSetHidden(%wire, %hidden)Hide or unhide the wire.

Code: [Select]
wireSetSlack(%wire, %emitter)Changes the wire's emitter without deleting it and re-making it.

Global Variables:
Code: [Select]
$fxWires::resolutionHow many wire shapes per unit. Only effects wires created after the var is changed. Default is 10.

Code: [Select]
$fxWires::defaultEmitterDatablock to use for the wire shapes. Default is wireEmitter (declared in server.cs).

Code: [Select]
$fxWires::maxDistMax length of a wire in torque units. Default is 64.

Code: [Select]
$fxWires::wireQuotaMax total wires. Default is 30.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 04:59:29 PM by Tammy »

I thought this was going to be an event system based off of a wiremod concept from gmod, thanks for crushing my soul with your dirty boot. Pretty cool though, may download when it's out.

Truce made the same wire effect etc

Truce made the same wire effect etc
Yeah but he never released his.

Yeah but he never released his.

Yeah, like any of his mods.

Thanks, might test c:

Silly me I forgot the download link lol. Well I'm releasing an update anyways.

I remember people begging Truce for his wire mod.

Im probably going to fix and release next weekend.

Im probably going to fix and release next weekend.
Sweet, it will be awesome

Very cool, when will it be released in add-ons?