Author Topic: strStr, strPos, strLen help  (Read 985 times)

I need to learn more about the strStr, strPos, and strLen before I continue coding in the future. Can someone type up a descriptive post all about the str stuff and how you would use them in scripts.

strStr and strPos are practically the same thing. They both find the location of a string inside of another string.
Example: strStr("Hello", "he"); will return 0, which is the position of the first charachter of the string. strPos will return the same thing.
strStr(string, string to find inside of string);
strPos(string, string to find inside of string);

StrLen gets the length of a string.
Example: strLen("Hello"); will return 5, which is the number of charachters in the string.

That's very helpful, thanks.