
Hambeast or Japanese

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Author Topic: Which Stocking do you prefer?  (Read 33064 times)

If stocking wants respect she needs to cut the bull stuff. But that isn't happening. She just wants the attention. From what she's posted it sounds like her social life revolves around getting banged as many times as she can and using the forums as an ego boost because she has self-esteem issues. Don't say she doesn't because she blew up when everyone called her fat.

She then starts insulting my grammar, calling people virgins, and everyone dumbasses. The past few arguments revolve around emotion over logic, and this is the part where you realize stocking isn't the stuff like she wants you to think.

I don't get your "logic", or your "emotion over logic" argument you're trying to project on me.

"Logically", I had love as a physical expression of my love for two men who played a very, very important role in my life for a long time. "Emotionally", you call it slutty because you're mad and emotionally unstable. I take it you've never been in a serious long-term  relationship before from the fact that you can so easily trivialize its tenements.

And I didn't "blow up" when you called me fat. Why don't you go find "evidential information" of me getting livid?

Well you and Lord Tony were haplessly begging for pictures like little dogs, so I gave them to you, and now you're complaining.

I just wanted to see if you can prove who you say you are. After-all you did pretend to be a japanese brat.

then she proved that she's not a japanese brat

what is your point

If stocking wants respect she needs to cut the bull stuff. But that isn't happening. She just wants the attention. From what she's posted it sounds like her social life revolves around getting banged as many times as she can and using the forums as an ego boost because she has self-esteem issues. Don't say she doesn't because she blew up when everyone called her fat.

She then starts insulting my grammar, calling people virgins, and everyone dumbasses. The past few arguments revolve around emotion over logic, and this is the part where you realize stocking isn't the stuff like she wants you to think.

I really can't take the forums seriously as beings anymore
Stocking really isn't worse than any of you. she's just a normal person. who doesn't like loveual encounters/ being checked out? everyone here is insulting each other on a forum for a lego game unnecessarily.
I think everyone's definition of a normal teenage girl is skewed.
and who gives a forget if she has self-esteem issues?
honestly, EVERYONE here deserves more respect
Everybody doesn't brag about being checked out though.
you must socialize with people who haven't ever been checked out. it really feels good for your self-esteem.

then she proved that she's not a japanese brat

what is your point

Still not convinced. It could be a friend, sister, girlfriend, etc.

Anyone can find a random person on facebook, save their pics and pretend to be them.
...What's your point?

I can go nab Colten's photos right now and pose as him.  What is your thesis?  You're just throwing facts out there.

Girls I know don't brag about being checked out, because funny enough, getting banged isn't their main priority.
Also, I have seen guys look them over, and they have caught them doing it.

The last girl I know who bragged about being checked out was found unconcious in the bathroom with a needle in her arm and wrist slits on both arms. She had issues.

There is a fine line between bragging and liking it.

...What's your point?

I can go nab Colten's photos right now and pose as him.  What is your thesis?  You're just throwing facts out there.

You look at my posts waaaaaay too fast.

Anyone can find a random person on facebook, save their pics and pretend to be them.
it shouldn't even matter if she's a girl or not!
Girls I know don't brag about being checked out, because funny enough, getting banged isn't their main priority.
Also, I have seen guys look them over, and they have caught them doing it.

The last girl I know who bragged about being checked out was found unconcious in the bathroom with a needle in her arm and wrist slits on both arms. She had issues.

There is a fine line between bragging and liking it.
our goal as human beings is to get banged, bro. getting checked out feels loving good.

Still not convinced. It could be a friend, sister, girlfriend, etc.

what the hell else is she supposed to do, go visit you?

it shouldn't even matter if she's a girl or not!

If it doesn't matter then I might as well say I am a Japanese girl.

Girls I know don't brag about being checked out, because funny enough, getting banged isn't their main priority.
Also, I have seen guys look them over, and they have caught them doing it.

The last girl I know who bragged about being checked out was found unconcious in the bathroom with a needle in her arm and wrist slits on both arms. She had issues.
You're in middle school or some stuff.  The girls you know are absolutely prude in every single possible way.

I see guys my age, sophomores, checking out girls all the time at places.  The girls return dirty looks, and half the time they start talking.  It doesn't mean she's a slut or that they're going to bang in the bathroom of a local store.  It's how teenagers interact.

I don't even know if that last part is true because, frankly, it sounds like bullstuff, or she had problems to begin with.

You look at my posts waaaaaay too fast.
I did some coke.

it shouldn't even matter if she's a girl or not!our goal as human beings is to get banged, bro. getting checked out feels loving good.

So what do you do when you get banged 20 times? It's priority but not "main" priority. Stop skimming my posts.

She did have problems at the beginning. Again, the girls that go to the bathroom to get banged don't tell everyone they know. There is a reason why she went and did it in the bathroom instead of in public. Of course she can go to jail for doing it in public but why would you do it anyway? Only sluts do it in some random parking lot
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 04:27:53 AM by Woolys »

If it doesn't matter then I might as well say I am a Japanese girl.
My house 10 AM?

Still not convinced. It could be a friend, sister, girlfriend, etc.
Why does it loving matter?
You're in middle school or some stuff.  The girls you know are absolutely prude in every single possible way.

I see guys my age, sophomores, checking out girls all the time at places.  The girls return dirty looks, and half the time they start talking.  It doesn't mean she's a slut or that they're going to bang in the bathroom of a local store.  It's how teenagers interact.

I don't even know if that last part is true because, frankly, it sounds like bullstuff, or she had problems to begin with.
If it doesn't matter then I might as well say I am a Japanese girl.
Go right ahead. You're still the same person. THIS IS MY POINT. LOOK AT IT.
So what do you do when you get banged 20 times? It's priority but not "main" priority. Stop skimming my posts.
It's a self esteem boost, regardless.
And I read through the whole thing. I don't skim posts.