
Hambeast or Japanese

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Total Members Voted: 259

Author Topic: Which Stocking do you prefer?  (Read 31283 times)

Does anyone have any proof of this? I'm legitimately wondering, seeing as many people are throwing it around as fact.

Absolutely none lol, I still go on my Stocking Sparkle key and play every once in a while.

Only white knights find him hot.

The difference between you and me: people actually want to and have had love with me.

>never touched a girl
I've fingered a girl.
is that it?


My bitch sleeps with me everynight.

is that it?


Yeah because your chauvinistic, tough-guy facade that you're perpetuating through a barely-literate forum persona is impressing anybody.

You have so much you want to prove to a random bunch of strangers on the internet.
tony youre handicapped, read what he posted lol

also really? it was at 29 pages when i was last here. forget get over yourselfs. its a fairly average chick on the internet. shes not fat, shes not really hot, goddamn :0
is that it?

Yeah because you're chauvinistic, tough-guy facade that you're perpetuating through a barely-literate forum persona is impressing anybody.
more lol

Lol if you say so

I don't even know what to call that first comma. I'm going to chalk it up to a speech impediment because it's not quite a comma splice.

child enthusiast? Wat?

You release stuffty addons and maps that nobody really plays, and you go around and you start stuff with bronies.

Don't pretend to be some essential community member that makes any more of a positive difference than I do.

If I'm not breaking any rules it does.

I'm typing on my phone, so it's hard to type correctly when my digitizer is broken, causing my phone to constantly press random buttons and close my web browser. Am I really such a perfect human being where the only valid insult you have revolves around grammar? Try typing on this broken piece of stuff then insult me. I expected more "personal" insults that would make me cringe the same way you shat your pants multiple times when you were called fat, but this is just sad.

Also you posted pictures of 9 year olds dressed like prostitutes. That's what I meant.

The difference between you and me: people actually want to and have had love with me.

Well now I know why you're on these forums. You just want to tease the prepubescent children of the forum.

is that it?

oh adorable. your tough-guy attitude doesn't intimidate me. there are miles and miles of land in between us, and you're just a herped up solid snake image to me.
I'm not even gonna bother telling you about how I could go farther, this makes no loving difference in my life
I'm off to play skyrim. be back in like an hour to see how this turns out.

Well now I know why you're on these forums. You just want to tease the prepubescent children of the forum.

I wonder why they banged her and left.

oh adorable. your tough-guy attitude doesn't intimidate me. there are miles and miles of land in between us, and you're just a herped up solid snake image to me.
I'm not even gonna bother telling you about how I could go farther, this makes no loving difference in my life
I'm off to play skyrim. be back in like an hour to see how this turns out.

I love you.

>Stocking shows cleavage on internet
>Every kid playing with their internet legos wants to have love with her.

oh adorable. your tough-guy attitude doesn't intimidate me. there are miles and miles of land in between us, and you're just a herped up solid snake image to me.
I'm not even gonna bother telling you about how I could go farther, this makes no loving difference in my life
I'm off to play skyrim. be back in like an hour to see how this turns out.
just saying bro, don't brag when you haven't even gone that far

Yeah because your chauvinistic, tough-guy facade that you're perpetuating through a barely-literate forum persona is impressing anybody.
oh shut up you damn smart ass, if you really think anyone cares about internet grammar, you're sadly mistaken

just saying bro, don't brag when you haven't even gone that far
He's 4 years younger than you.

just saying bro, don't brag when you haven't even gone that far

Whoa man, Daedalus fingered a girl.

just saying bro, don't brag when you haven't even gone that far
oh shut up you damn smart ass, if you really think anyone cares about internet grammar, you're sadly mistaken

Finally someone points out that her grammar tactics are pointless.