Idiot-Dont spamMe-ok
Your a idiotIts actually a addonGet out Or be serious
I wasnt suprised
Ok so i join a serverIdiot-Dont spamMe-okThen i walked around and found spam that was hisI told him it was spam then he said it wasnt it was part of the buildI argued with him then eventually said OkThen i started spammingThen he bans me with the reasonGet the forget off my server you waste of spaceSorry i didnt think about drama until i was banned
Location: Up your ass
He loving killed himself?Over loving forums?!??!How sad
Im sure im 17So just forget off if you dont believe me
Your an ass
3rd picOh my loving god i hate you for posting that
It sounds like Homocide
First tell him a guild is a type of castleif he says its not ban him
He's joking. It's obvious that there was no provided picture in the OP, let alone it wasn't explained in the least detail. BL Forum-ers don't want to Google search everything.
Grammar national socialist!
I approve this