Author Topic: Dimitri Pentrenko - I'm sure we all have a problem.  (Read 8295 times)

This guy is a guy with no grammar at all, calls everybody an idiot for having a joke -
Idiot-Dont spam
Your a idiot
Its actually a addon
Get out Or be serious
I wasnt suprised

That's all I can list right now. Feel free to add more of the stupid stuff he's doing. He also once stole my avatar when he signed up.

I don't like him but you should have probably developed the topic more.

Ok so i join a server
Idiot-Dont spam
Then i walked around and found spam that was his
I told him it was spam then he said it wasnt it was part of the build
I argued with him then eventually said Ok
Then i started spamming
Then he bans me with the reason
Get the forget off my server you waste of space
Sorry i didnt think about drama until i was banned

Location: Up your ass
He loving killed himself?
Over loving forums?!??!
How sad

Im sure im 17
So just forget off if you dont believe me
Your an ass

noedit: I agree with this thread.

And we have the locked posts.

Dimitri Quoted an entire post and didn't bother to -snip- it.
3rd pic
Oh my loving god i hate you for posting that

Honestly this might just be a spelling mistake or a deliberate joke.
It sounds like Homocide

We've already covered this in another drama topic:
First tell him a guild is a type of castle
if he says its not ban him

Quote from: Firecycle on November 21, 2011, 12:27:20 PM

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Your a idiot
Its actually a addon
Get out Or be serious
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He's joking.  It's obvious that there was no provided picture in the OP, let alone it wasn't explained in the least detail.  BL Forum-ers don't want to Google search everything.
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Grammar national socialist!

He's an a'sshole alright.

He's a troll and a douche.

When people present him a valid point he tells them forget off

If he is really seventeen, then he needs to be re-educated. Several cases of him not even knowing simple 6th grade math