Author Topic: Piss off the user above.  (Read 8221 times)

yall a gay ass lil bitch lil muthaforgeta go suck a rooster ull like it oh yaaaaah! Did it work? •_•

youre the king of nothing for real lol nigg

•_• - I did yo mom... a favor. by making you... ... ... •_•  Did it work?

you smell like a big TURD and you are bad at school.. (owned geek)
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

your not mega bear, your a creep bear

Your name is right. You ain't the king of NOTIN'!

You're some cigarettegy starfish who comes here expecting to be amazing at everything. Well you're not.

Get banned again you furcigarette.

Your name is right. You ain't the king of NOTIN'!
double negative: implying he's the king of something derp  

I'm the worst blockland player. I deserve respect in my dojo. BITCH.

go get banned again cigarettee!!!!