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Author Topic: Anagaea: An Era of Empires  (Read 103386 times)

Ems:  My answer is no.  This is final.
So be it.
Avalonian far side claim expands. Claim picture to be shown when I make it.

V5s and V5.5s enter into mass production stage. V3s decommissioned and made into V5s and V5.5s. V5 is a multi-stage rocket, now with warheads meant for specific targets, though the system is still rudimentary and will be improved in the V6 model. V5.5s are basically cluster bombs meant for the sole purpose of carpet bombing. According to Wikipedia, this advancement is long overdue.

Tiger 4 tanks produced.

This is probably a bad time to bring this up, after mentioning military advancements and all, but I'd say that the political scene of Anagea has cooled off enough for me to do this. I did say some time back that I'd try to make peace when things settled, and so I am. Avalonia would like to open the Avalonian-Erinamese border, and reopen the Erinamese embassy in Avalonia (embassy bit provided that the Avalonian embassy in Erinaum is allowed to reopen as well). This will hopefully lead to a more peaceful and stable relationship between Avalonia and the entire Red Sphere, which'll bring nothing but good.

You are part of RS.  You can have any technology available to RS, namely that you participate collectively with RS in its further development.
When did Caprica join the Sphere? First I've heard of it.

Claim expansion. More profitable to just take the unclaimed stuff anyway. It violates the non-expansion pact, but the Avalonian Council added a territory loss amendment stating that the loss of any Avalonian territory on Anagea is proper stimulus for the expansion of Avalonia on Anagea.

I did a lousy job with it, but I'm sure you get the idea.

Are you serious how the forget are we setting up bases on the moon? lol. Aren't we in the '70s?

So be it.
Avalonian far side claim expands. Claim picture to be shown when I make it.
I'm pretty sure that violates the non-expansion pact.  Though I would like to see a map of where the USSR and UC rest.
Avalonia would like to open the Avalonian-Erinamese border, and reopen the Erinamese embassy in Avalonia (embassy bit provided that the Avalonian embassy in Erinaum is allowed to reopen as well). This will hopefully lead to a more peaceful and stable relationship between Avalonia and the entire Red Sphere, which'll bring nothing but good.

And yes, Caprica has been in RS for years now.  Check the RS page.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 08:39:08 PM by SWAT One »

And yes, Caprica has been in RS for years now.  Check the RS page.
I mean when did HE, that is Frontrox say it? I must have missed that.

Are you serious how the forget are we setting up bases on the moon? lol. Aren't we in the '70s?
Mid to late 60s I thought. But yes, it seems we are setting up moon bases. Insanity, I know.

As far as violation of the non expansion pact, I did say that the Avalonian Council amended it, and no law passed in Avalonia is final, the Council along with the Supreme Emperor can amend and overturn as is deemed necessary.

I too would like to see where the USSR and UC are, although I was under the impression that the USSR hadn't made any territorial expansion, I didn't notice any posts saying it had.

Avalonian Space Station (or A.S.S. for short) is completed. It's to be launched into orbit within the month.

EDIT:  That was a joint pact.  You can't amend it without all parties' permission.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 09:07:53 PM by SWAT One »

Actually, no it wasn't a joint pact. It was an internal ruling of the Avalonian government. As I recall, Avalonia passed the pact, Erinaum has no seats on the Avalonian Council, and neither do any other nations aside from Avalonia. Thus, it can be amended and even overturned should events warrant.

Either way, if it were a joint pact, Avalonia would've constrained all other parties to the same terms, aswouldbe logical. And why would I involve other countries in such a pact? So you could hold power over me? Bah Humbug to that. I'd sooner believe that Erinaum was founded by Santa Claus after his glorious victory over the forces of the Easter Bunny at the battle of Thermopylae.

Well that's just silly

Forget the embassy; you forgeted up.  I agreed to the same terms you did; you agreed to it so long as I did.  That is a JOINT pact.  I don't know what stuff you're going to pull out of your ass next, but you violated the terms, and therefore they are revoked on my side as well.

When Erinaum agreed to your offer of creating embassies to further loosen the tensions between us, Erinamese citizens rejoiced.  When you had violated this pact, Erinamese citizens everywhere lost it's faith in Avalonia, saying:  "Where is the sovereignty in Avalonia's words?" and "They can't be trusted, even under their own rules."  Erinaum had no desire to expand under that pact, so long as you didn't.  What power could I hold over you, that you could do the same to me?  I welcomed joint moderation, but you had soiled the very diplomatic intentions that you had set up.  Good God, I sound like Dr. Breen.

P.S.  If you think that the Erinamese Panel of International Delegates (EPIG) is closed to Avalonia, you are wrong.  It has never been closed since our first alliance.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 12:21:50 PM by SWAT One »

Suit yourself. But I must say with all honesty that I was not under the impression that you were fettered by such a pact, or believed Avalonia's pact to be an international one. I never considered Erinaum to be held under any Avalonian policy, even during our alliance.

What law should be set in stone? A law is based on circumstance, and when circumstance changes, then law must adapt itself to new surroundings. This is logical for all laws but natural laws such as the despise of murder.

It seems I've misjudged international tensions. Avalonia recalls its ambassadors, puts the Erinamese diplomats back in Erinaum, and Closes the borders. Another attempt will be made should things once again seem to improve.

Also: Your angry words writhe in hot emotion. Mine are calculating, logical. Why do you think that such an outburst will have any effect on me but to further build up mental walls? What advantage does such a hot tempered reaction have on a calm response? I'd think you wiser to use your brain, not your heart, so to speak.

I see your actions pointless.  Done by heart, and not by brain.  When was the immediate need to annex 1/6th of the rear side of Anagaea?  Erinaum had agreed previously not to expand so long as Avalonia did not as well.  You had spacious room to fit 494 million.  Suddenly there's an urgent need to expand.  I see no logic in that.  If you see the need to give in to your heart and expand, against the rules of your own country, and to no pressing need, then why should I respond calmly if I had bound myself to the same rules under your conditions?

What result has an agreement set for good intentions do when it is shattered by it's creator, so as to leave all others under its laws still bound?  Hold the same to others as your do yourself.  I can say it again, but Slainte fell, this being one of the reasons.

Avalonian vacationers in Erinaum are escorted to the border.  Any Avalonian found with dual citizenship is forced to either revoke their Avalonian citizenship and swear allegiance to Erinaum or be escorted to the border, their Erinamese citizenship revoked.  Resistance will result in imprisonment.  All RS partners are encouraged to do the same.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 03:54:35 PM by SWAT One »

Oh stuff brothers.
Anyways we now have a population of 200 million. We're sending probes into low orbit, and are creating computers on the Commodore level.

The brand new Mig-25 completed it's tests today, flying high altitude alongside the UC border at 3,600 km/h. It is the fastest jet ever to have flown as far as we know.

We're starting to produce our own F-4s with the help of Avalonia.

You seem to have one thing backwards Swat, I didn't and don't expect anyone else to abide by the non expansion pact. Any nation has the ability to change its policy toward anything, including expansion.

As for "immediate need", there is no huge pressure. However, Avalonia is nothing more than a very large, very powerful business. If a business loses an asset, it will downsize or replace, and Avalonia has chosen the replacement road. Avalonia did, yes, receive 4 trillion (MDE) in compensation (1/2 of which is still in the 100 year process of delivery) to cover Avalonia's investment of time, money, and resources into the territories lost, namely Aemilius and Mitlogica Romagna. This compensation only covered the immediate loss of investment, not the future loss, that being untapped resources, citizens, strategic locations, full chance of military-political support, &c. Those would all be unreasonable variables to charge the territory for, and thus Avalonia must replace the value of the territory in some other way, namely by increasing the size of its far side claim.

If you lost the former Slainte and Aosanian territories, wouldn't it be logical to attempt to make up for the loss? Likewise, Avalonia is endeavoring to compensate for the loss of the Aemilian and Mitlogican territories.

Logic of the brain and the calculator, not emotion of the heart.