
What is better?

A wish
A dream
A Random dude with a carrot
I dont give a forget!
None of them

Author Topic: Ruin a dream!  (Read 8882 times)

You get warts instead.

I wish this title wasn't about stupid dreams.

the title isnt about stupid dreams, because its about stupid wishes!
I WISH that i could avoid rapists in my house.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 10:41:01 PM by K1ng_0f_N0thing »

the title isnt about stupid dreams, because its about stupid wishes!
I WISH that i could avoid rapists in my house.
30 rapists break into your house and rape u one at a time.
I wish for a million dollars

Granted but it is counterfeit

I wish the above user suddenly turned into the opposite gender

Granted but he's pleased and just twiddled his tits.

I wish was hot.

His wish is hot, but he's still not.

I wish for a copy of the book "one fish two fish red fish blue fish"

Granted, but Justin Bieber gets you pregnant while you are reading it.

I wish for a ddream wnere I can wish for dreams that I can wish in.

Granted but you got bored and wished you DIDED.

I wish that I could type without typos.

Your typos get wroseer

I wish this topic wouldn't lock.

It doesn't lock but it locks.

I wish paradoxes didn't exist.

Looks pretty familiar....

(sorry for not posting a wish and stuff because I couldnt think of one so the next post please respond to the above post)

It doesn't lock but it locks.

I wish paradoxes didn't exist.
. This statement is false

I wish for something that dosnt get ruined

you get rotten fruit

i wish i had a dollar.

you have a wet dream about your mom

i wish i could run forever.