Author Topic: Garett-Total Badmin  (Read 2376 times)

From what I gather these are typical blockland screenshots.

The only proof you have is him holding a D-wand, and still that doesn't prove anything. Admins take out D-wands all the time, a build was probably somehow bad or not following the rules.
The Area Was A Spawn Village Built By The Host While He Was Destructo Wanding It We Were Getting Hit By It. And Also These Pictures Were Taken During Players Battling.

The Area Was A Spawn Village Built By The Host While He Was Destructo Wanding It We Were Getting Hit By It. And Also These Pictures Were Taken During Players Battling.

This takes longer to read than a properly capitalized sentence.

Ontopic: Why didn't you use shift+P?, You know, for the chat?, Do you even have the BLID of the user?, Please post all of that information for the drama, use an image host, a lot of things could be improved, Yes, including your
Typing Like This For No Apparent Reason.

The Area Was A Spawn Village Built By The Host While He Was Destructo Wanding It We Were Getting Hit By It. And Also These Pictures Were Taken During Players Battling.

Pics Or It Didn't Happen

Thanks I Will Be Sure To Ban Him From My Server.
Not like anyone would join your server anyways.

Not like anyone would join your server anyways.
Implying Stocking even plays Blockland and only says that in threads to piss people off.

Implying Stocking even plays Blockland and only says that in threads to piss people off.
wait i worded that wrong

Implying Stocking even plays Blockland and isn't only saying this to piss people off

use page down on blockland to show chat.
Page up to show the current chat.
Of course, it's lost now.

Also Heres Some More Pictures.

Also, your pictures do not prove anything.

Also Heres Some More Pictures.
you didnt need to color the first capital letter.

Sorry Meant Rp.

Well there's your problem.

Has anyone ever seen a good RP server?  I mean really.

I've never seen Garett before in-game though, perhaps he's just new...?