Author Topic: BREAKING NEWS: Entire Catholic/Christian population MISSING!!!  (Read 3071 times)

Lol I saw this after the rapture I still giggle at it, especially the Vatican being converted to laser tag haha
I found it funny in cheap ways, but honestly It's just offensive. If Muslims, Jews, any religion were the target of this I would feel the same way. It's seen as a joke but it's an offensive joke, and if someone is the party being laughed at, it's not funny.

I don't see how this video is offensive

I don't see how this video is offensive
It's basically saying that if Christians didn't exist, all problems in the world would disappear.

Lol I saw this after the rapture I still giggle at it, especially the Vatican being converted to laser tag haha
I don't see how this video is offensive

Basically the entire point of the video was "The world would be a better place without Christians / Catholics". Ex: Bibles being turned into juice boxes, churches becoming laser tag arenas... Etc. I suppose you have to see it from a religious point of view. I'm christian, and I've never once said "Ahaha, I wish atheists would just disappear because the world would be better without them.". I have also never believed those "RAPTURE SOON ON MAY LOLOLOLO" because clearly, (within the bible), it states that no mortal man will know the date or time. Bashing a religion out of pure spite isn't funny and though you may get your giggles out of it, It makes me fear for humanity. What kind of society are we when we can't accept our own people?

(Sorry for wall of text, I was inspired.)

I wouldn't like this because most of my family would disappear.
i luv u momy

Umm I spent 13 years a devout christian and even then I laughed at things like this. There is a difference between hatred and joking.

It's basically saying that if Christians didn't exist, all problems in the world would disappear.
Well, to an extent, if the population was dramatically reduced, the outcome would be overwhelmingly beneficial. I'm not advocating genocide or anything here, but, historically speaking, humanity flourishes the most when there are less people around.  It's common sense. More resources, with still enough folks to sustain mankind and regulate them. The world is much bigger that way, with much less commotion, and much more elbow room.

And though there is something to be said for not bashing other people, at the same time, this video is really the tip of the iceberg. Relatively speaking, it could have been much more overtly "anti-theistic" than it was, if you can even call it that. It was clever in its own way, and was really made just to point out the ridiculousness of the minority that followed Mister Camping, but which unfortunately resulted generalization. 'Twas a joke, though, and getting worked up over it is rather futile.

It was also deeply mistaken. The Vatican is already used for laser tag. You just have to know the right people. ;D

Hell yea lazertag with the pope.!

not even christian anymore :s
more of an agnostic

if all the christians left, i think we should preserve the vatican. it may be for something stupid, but it's part of culture, the same way that roman cathedrals are preserved.

Do you think that if the rapture actually happened any the Christians were taken to heaven that people would start believing because they saw that the Christians were right?

jeez, no man knows when the rapture will happen.
Why can't people get that?

I've never once said "Ahaha, I wish atheists would just disappear because the world would be better without them."

Because that's impossible to say with a straight face.

Because that's impossible to say with a straight face.