I was playing on Waffle Ninja's City Rp and waffle was afk, the only other admin was some kid named Smo2.
He then proceeded to destroy and mess up everything on the server (here comes a lot of pics)
As you can see he rained 9999999 money, completely lagging the server so nobody could move.
An entire hour of rain?
More rain...
More and more rain.
Will this ever stop?
He then changed the map, clearing the city. (i lost a pic but he changed it twice)
He then starts to tell everyone that nothing happened and not to tell waffle. But its ok because he saved the city-
Oh wait, everything belongs to him now so we have lost all of our buildings, doors dont work and all bricks are broken. Not to mention our jobs and money have all been erased. He then told us he was going to delete the city and leave, saying to tell waffle the server crashed.
Its ok guys just don't tell!!!1!
I then told him that i had been taking pictures of him stuffing up everything and i was going to show waffle, he then started to beg me not to show and said i was lying to get him in trouble.
Illustrating that we lost a lot of stuff. (all)
Then boom, he gives me a heap of money as a bribe to not show anyone.
On top of all of this he had been stuffing up things before i took pictures, such as lighting up the entire map and filling it with smoke and other emitters, also building all around my house and surrounded it in emitters.
This guy is an idiot.