dedicated server on a mac

Author Topic: dedicated server on a mac  (Read 862 times)

wait with V20 there is no dedicated.bat in your folder anymore so how do we do this?

Should've been an option to get it on the installer.

Should've been an option to get it on the installer.
macs don't have an installer...

Mac's don't need a installer because their better. haha Since this is probably going to turn into a Mac vs PC war I'll hook you up Crown. Made this myself, enjoy. Just remember, White Tiger helps out his friends ;D
Btw: make sure It's in the same folder as your Blockland Launcher.

Mac's don't need an installer because they're better. haha Since this is probably going to turn into a Mac vs PC war I'll hook you up Crown. Made this myself, enjoy. Just remember, White Tiger helps out his friends ;D
Btw: make sure It's in the same folder as your Blockland Launcher.