Author Topic: niko001's Jail Escape is poorly moderated by an abusive admin, niko001.  (Read 2855 times)

I connected to niko001's blockland server directly after a wild west RP server I was playing on crashed.

Immediately I noticed that some player was kicked. I asked why so that I could make sure I didn't get kicked for the same reason. The host responded with, "he was a noob". I continued to press the host, wondering why the person was banned. Yet I stopped asking after he flat out ignored my question.

Upon spawning I was deep in the ocean of the map, and after submerging I went over to a small jail build next to the shore. It was quite small, so I said.

"Your jail is too small, it's the size of a suburban household".

I wasn't really responded to as the rest of the server continued RPing, until someone duped something and the host shouted, "LAG". I responded by saying that I didn't lag, and that it might just be your computer. A few other people agreed with me, and then the following happened.
(I am rick trotle)

At which I was slapped clean off the face of the earth into the sky before shortly dying from the health damage.

I objected to this punishment by accusing him of abusing his admin powers against me. At which point I was kicked. After reconnecting, the following dialog ensued:
(Host is Irwin Xirg, I have no name)

At which point I was kicked again, and I returned quite angry. This was the last thing I said before being banned for 16 minutes.
(I am unnamed)

I then spawned after loading objects which prevented me from typing, and I made my last statement.
(I am Dan Zelda in the picture)

At which point, as I said earlier, I was banned for 16 minutes.

The host's name is niko001.

His BL_ID is 31699.

Feel free to ban/refuse to admin this player from your own servers. He is incapable of making logical decisions and abuses his power at almost the slightest whim.

If you're wondering why my name changes, the server randomly assigns you a name when you spawn, and you have no name beforehand.

Oh my god lol.
What an idiot. I'll be sure to ban him from my server right now.

Also, my ban reason was, "I warned you".

One tf2 mann co key goes to anyone who can find a warning in those pictures.

Someone remind me what the console command for banning is again?

Someone remind me what the console command for banning is again?


Brilliance and excellence. Thank you, good sir.

Also, my ban reason was, "I warned you".

One tf2 mann co key goes to anyone who can find a warning in those pictures.
"You have been caught breaking a rule by a Moderator, Admin, or Super Admin.
Further abuse could result in a Kick or Ban."
Third image, my steam name is Sord213 tia

"You have been caught breaking a rule by a Moderator, Admin, or Super Admin.
Further abuse could result in a Kick or Ban."

Because he was totally breaking a rule.

Aaand he got banned from my server aswell.

Because he was totally breaking a rule.
On top of that message, he was kicked twice for protesting abuse. I'd say he was warned, but he still wasn't doing anything wrong.
Both can happen at the same time, all thanks to illogical admins.

I'm on his server right now.
I linked him to this topic.

Immideatly he yells "VIRUS NOOB"
I say "no, it isn't, it's a blockland forum topic"
He says "ITS VIRUS"
"No, it's a blockland forum topic."

I spawn.
He asks me to unlock the cells.
I don't know how to and ask him if he can tell me.
Then he teleports out, spawns some kinda one hit kill gun, and kills me.
I say I find it pathetic he cheats at his own jail escape, and then he permabans me with the reason "TOOBAD"

This kid is a pathetic piece of stuff. He's 9, by the way.

I think you were banned because you were way to arrogant and disrespectful, Seventh. You were blatantly testing the admin's patience since you joined, which by itself was bound to get you banned.

You're just one of those stuffty players who thinks he's entitled to freedom on every server he visits. stfu

Getting kicked twice = A warning that you're going to get banned. Do I win?