
What do you think of it?

Brilliant, official AoT was always so death!
21 (56.8%)
Awesome, no lag anymore
6 (16.2%)
10 (27%)

Total Members Voted: 37

Author Topic: [Development] Age of Blocko (based on Age Of Time)  (Read 4004 times)

Age of Blocko

Age of Blocko is a map based on Badspot's oldest game Age Of Time. Since it is not allowed to port models from Age Of Time into Blockland, as well it doesn't fit in Blockland. I thought of a brilliant idea: Why not rebuilding Age Of Time in Blockland, in Blocko style? Here is some of the progress.

Yes, it aligns with the brick grid.

Seems like Badspot was here to see what he thought of it.

all female characters
Blockland has male characters. :D Except the woman face.

Holy crap, this is awesome. Cookies to ya  :cookie:

forget man, I've been making a medieval map like this for a while now. D:

forget man, I've been making a medieval map like this for a while now. D:
I am trying to get the map finished in version 3 style of AoT before Christmas.

After finishing this map, we can easily make an AoT in Blockland.

Use the ramp texture for the rooftops.

Use the ramp texture for the rooftops.
Thanks man, I will.

After finishing this map, we can easily make an AoT in Blockland.
Take fun game
Build AOT
Game is now garbage.

The map is great, I hope the AOT community stays at AOT though. Most of them are stuff tardises.

Take fun game
Build AOT
Game is now garbage.

The map is great, I hope the AOT community stays at AOT though. Most of them are stuff tardises.
Thanks. This map will help a lot of people who want to start a Medieval RP. I will stop for a little time with my Blocko Santos map. To get some progress in this little easy map.

now you just need to code a hook!

now you just need to code a hook!
That should be made in the engine, a hook. When I finished this map, I would like to invite Badspot and other people who want to test the map.

Are you going to release this when it's finished?

Are you going to release this when it's finished?
Yeah I have to. Dragging it in Recycle Bin wont have much effect.