Author Topic: Emitter/Light Wand  (Read 364 times)

A wand that you can set an emitter/light on and when you hit any brick, it adds it.
I'm currently destroying a default build and I want to add fire, but it seems that it'll just take awhile to add "Player Napalm" on every brick by wrench.

You can copy an emitter, light, item, item direction, item location, etc. in the wrench GUI by checking the check box next to each selection. This way you just have to wrench a brick and it will automatically be transferred to the next brick you wrench.

You can copy an emitter, light, item, item direction, item location, etc. in the wrench GUI by checking the check box next to each selection. This way you just have to wrench a brick and it will automatically be transferred to the next brick you wrench.

i had no idea that's how copy worked.