Author Topic: MrPieThumbs - What more to say.  (Read 3320 times)

I hope you break your shift key
I Broke Mine Talking Like This.
So I had to use a ton of tape.

rails are in colorado

thread is in antarctica mars

but now it can resume now that he has been banned.

Its My Entertainment.

User was banned for this post

on topic:
Wow. He's stupid :I

Where do I begin. My friend- Actually, excuse me. I don't want to offend him. We have been playing Blockland together for a while. He, for some forsaken reason, decides to give me all of his information. This includes, first, last name. Where he lives, where his parents work, and his religion. Despite the fact that I never asked him for this, and never wanted to know this(he admits it in his ragePM he sent me), and the fact that I really dont give a crap, he is accusing me because he told me this. But what is there to accuse? I didn't give him mine. Heres the story...

GTA IV - Today
While playing GTA today, he kept ramming me. I asked him to stop. He said he was glitching, though I knew this was mostly a lie. I could hear his brakes lock up when he tried to stop. But if they did, according to him, he glitched. He kept hitting me and got away with it because he was "glitching", though he was perfectly fine. He was following me and I was drifting. Mad that I was accusing him of lying, he told me that I always make him follow me(yet another "You made me") I said I never even asked him to follow me. Of course, to him, I was lying. I was in an Audi, and he was in a BMW. He then accused me that I was using the speed up mod, and that I was lying by saying that I wasn't(I wasn't). His argument was that I was faster than him(no really?). After this, he told me that I made him buy the game(see the pattern?). After this, he told me that he bought the game because I said it was fun. Then, he told me he bought it to make me happy. Now it gets interesting. Because he is accusing me of not giving him my information. Naturally, because I am not an idiot, I am not going to give that out to anyone over the internet.

Blockland - 2 Days Ago
I was hosting a server. He was there, and a few other friends were as well. I had to go AFK for ~15 minutes. I came back to see that he turned a city into a DM. I asked him to stop, however, he refused. I deleted the spawns and he said that I ruined all of the fun. The other friends didn't really care. For about 5 minutes, he explained to me why he was right and I was wrong. He asked me ~4 times why I didn't let them DM. I explained it 5 times. He was kicked. He came back caps lock and all. Banned for 1 day.

Blockland - 3 Days Ago
Hosting again. I was afk for another 10 minutes. I came back to see that he loaded his infamous stage onto the city. I asked him to remove it. He refused and asked me at least 5 times why it was a problem. I explained that I did not want it in the city(it was a bunch of named bricks with lights switches) He then said that he said that we should let the users(who couldn't care) what they think. I explained to him that I made the call to remove it, and he has 30 seconds to remove it or all of his bricks would be removed. Fair enough. Nope. He refused to remove it. I cleared his house(that he loaded as he didnt feel like building), stage(that he loaded as he didnt feel like building), and all other bricks he made. Now I am an abusive admin. Later on, he explained that I beg him to get on Blockland. Then how he doesn't like Blockland and doesn't want to play it, and he only plays it because I beg him to(see pictures).

Blockland - 4 Days Ago
Hosting. It was an indoor TDM on a small but well built arena. I gave everyone a glock, a single shot RPG(many places to duck for cover), a frag grenade, a medkit, and an M19 pistol. He would not have this. He wanted a weapon that fires a plasma two shot kill projectile. If I did not give it to him, he would not play.

Please see some of the pictures posted below. By the way, I will admit. I know I have a bad taste in admins apparently. I don't want to hear that. According to him, he's done playing Blockland. And not giving your information over the internet is creepy. Thoughts?
You my dear friend have 1 stupid friend.

When you hosted that server two days ago he banned me for killing him back after he killed me three times.

When you hosted that server two days ago he banned me for killing him back after he killed me three times.
Sorry. I must not have noticed it. I'll remove your ban.

Its My Entertainment.

User was banned for this post
About. loving. Time.

Well, this seems like the stuff you and Pie have been fighting over for the past 2 years. Sounds all the same to me.
Oh, and why hello Jeep, how are you.