Author Topic: Blockland: The Game Where you Build love Machines?  (Read 3972 times)

"Even more searching found me in the games sinful region, the Games section! This section is all about distressful things, they speak of purchasing games on a program called “Steam”, which is obviously a gay researchographic recruitment site."
This is where I figured it was a troll.
I figured it was a troll when he found out what "stuff" was.

I found this when i searched for stuff.
WARNING NUDITY PICTURES: ******************************
Probally shouldnt give the link dont want to be banned :P

I looked around the sight (to laugh) and this is what it said on the home page
Have you heard your son walking around the house yelling vulgarities like “I use to be a moisture farmer, but I took a lightsaber to the snake”
:D <Takes arrow out of knee> Don't need you anymore!

Holy stuff
Those people talking on facebook
I know 2 of those people. IRL, i've seen them before, they go to my bros school.

After portal 2 I can't think of anything else then the scanning line at the end of co-op being a [love machine] -anything goes here, really- production line, with the music playing.
What has science done to me.

Uhh... This is about the 3rd or 4th thread for this and one of them was just bumped. What are you doing :/

What we do best.
making reasons to hate eachother.
Then complain.
And hate eachother again.

This is indeed pretty old news, and I can remember something about the site beign a fake joke site.

Just showed him.  Look for a huge comment.

BLOWN out of proportion MISUNDERSTOOD Game that's like legos on the internet and is misunderstood for a research recuitment game,and misunderstand credits cards,devises used for-* I MEAN WHAT THE FU-* MAN?

THis is just plain BULL CRA-*!

All in all that was just one,stupid,FU-*ed up news magazine.

I am never going to church insanity again. Period.

The majority of you are dumbforgets, I thought we've been over this, it's a trolling website.

We're been trolled by the landover baptist church, and THEBESTGAMERS, christ you all take things too seriously.