Author Topic: jookbox :D - Immense friend.  (Read 4308 times)

I just don't know where to start with this bundle of stuff. He's been such a friend lately, it's not even funny. But yeah, I think it's time he needs a drama thread, because this stuff needs to end.

Here's a quote that pretty much gave me concern to why he was being such a cigaretteola.
The gates are ugly as hell. try doing them in a solid color with brick windows. not the big ones, the smaller ones. and yeah, I could make a better airport than this and I suck.
Seriously? What was the point of that?

I know him and quite frankly I'm going to tell you this now

Go the forget away you creepyass stalker bitch.

Also, Magick mage is the nicest person you idiot.
I don't even know what to say to this.


And this. Someone would make a mod to do this.

In short, Go away.

Check out more of his friendry here.

One of the reasons I love Blockland is it's full of idiots to laugh at :D

It also acts like the world's biggest furfriend.
Seriously, you don't need to be that flamboyant about it. Most of us aren't.

Needs to be banned. I've seen "I don't think a drama topic is necessary" before, and in the first quote I noticed something bannable as well.

Yea this guy's pretty annoying.

He's pretty damn annoying if you ask me.

He posts too much, doesn't lurk enough.

He posts too much, doesn't lurk enough.
You post a lot too >:0

Only when I have something to say.

I was hoping you sensed my sarcasm :C

Bitch I got somethin' to say 24.656 times A DAY.