Author Topic: jookbox :D - Immense friend.  (Read 4309 times)

Hey guys, got here as fast as I could.

in all serious; glad he got banned.

I mean night fox is about the best furry that i can put up with at probably a solid 7

jook was about an 9 in my opinion.

What about me?

probably a 5-6

a solid 10 would probably be the people that own several fursuits and wouldn't be ashamed at being unmasked on television.

I don't see why you would rate him so high....I've never seen him post anything furry related, me and night fox on the other hand...

and suddenly this topic is about rating furries in the community.

Shut up you damn furry!

I barely even noticed Alxetora/jookbox was ever a furry aside from his avatar. lol

I barely even noticed Alxetora/jookbox was ever a furry aside from his avatar. lol
pfft. he would usually start a steam conversation with me like
Alxetora licks your face
Hai :3

Personal bias isn't a good enough reason to not ban someone. If you really want to protect someone list redeeming traits that other users have downed. In my opinion I thought he thought he was a forum angel, or what may classify under self whiteknighting, I guess. Like I said before he was trying to be the "Right man" by saying he was standing up for people, but in the end did not do it for me.
pfft. he would usually start a steam conversation with me like
Alxetora licks your face
Hai :3
licking faces is a bad sense of hygene and may cause to diseases such as diabetes. before indulging in the act of face licking, have you are your partner take these steps!

the person who will lick will have to
-brush and floss teeth for 5 minutes
-wash hands for 2 minutes
-accure a taste in the natural living crave

the receiver will have to
-wash their face with natural ingrediented soap/body wash
-remove any facial hairs

then enjoy

face licking is a serious matter.

pfft. he would usually start a steam conversation with me like
Alxetora licks your face
Hai :3
Meh. He hates me too much to talk to me.
I haven't really talked to him in a year or so, now that I think about it. :\

It is perma. His avatar is "Perma'd!"

What did he actually contribute that his removal could possibly be a bad thing?

What did you actually contribute that your removal could possibly be a bad thing?

What did you actually contribute that your removal could possibly be a bad thing?
I missed the part of the thread where we started talking about me, and not the person in the title

my bad