Author Topic: GODDANGIT: Diabetes  (Read 1513 times)

So right now i'm mad at diabetes because of this: One day on break I sit down with my friend and just play video games the whole day he leaves and then I get a stomach virus. it's 2 days before christmas so I'm like "Dang it". So I throw up a little. Then it doesn't stop till christmas day because when I get sick my bloodsugar gets high.

TL;DR: My diabetes screwed me over so when I got candy in my stocking I couldn't have it and it extended my stomach virus till christmas eve.

We got our gelt like a week ago. :cookieMonster:

A stomach virus that made you throw up that occured in the few cays before christmas?
Huh, I went through the same thing.

A stomach virus that made you throw up that occured in the few cays before christmas?
Huh, I went through the same thing.
Yes and my diabetes made it worse cause when my bloodsugar goes high I fell horrible and when I'm sick my bloodsugar is high.

Yes and my diabetes made it worse cause when my bloodsugar goes high I fell horrible and when I'm sick my bloodsugar is high.

I know that feeling bro.
Though, I threw up five times in one night.

I know that feeling bro.
Though, I threw up five times in one night.
I threw up seven times.

I haven't had any real sicknesses or illnesses or allergy attacks in like two years.

I just fake stuff to get out of doing things.  :cookieMonster:

I know how you feel.

hate not being able to eat real, sugar-y candy argh

I threw up seven times.
I've thrown up like 15 times in one night when I was younger. I used to live in a moldy house.