Author Topic: To many events at once! (OnMinigameReset)  (Read 900 times)

I already check online and it says to go to - Start a game - advanced config - and change the LAN and global limits. I changed the numbers to 9999 , x20 and it still says To many events at once! (OnMinigameReset). When i reset my minigame for my zombie survival map i have about 50 of those onminigamereset events triggering at once. If there is a way to get around that or if some one can make a quick script around that i would be grateful. Thx

LAN limits are for singleplayer/LAN.

Were you on singleplayer/LAN?

Try to Reduce the ammount of Events, like take away some that you wont need. Sometimes this happenes to me so i like took away some that i didnt need

also i don't understand why people think spamming nines into the schedule quota makes it as if the quota weren't there

i get quota errors less when i have it set to 1000.

LAN limits are for singleplayer/LAN.

Were you on singleplayer/LAN?

No i was on the internet and i figured it out. When it to 9999 and press ok it set it self to the default numbers when i went to recheck that i had my numbers in correctly.

i don't think you can get around it. the best you can do is:
Try to Reduce the ammount of Events