Author Topic: Pirate RPG  (Read 35061 times)

no the bread

Welcome to a crappy knock off of DRPG, where things won't work correctly.

Welcome to a crappy knock off of DRPG, where things won't work correctly.
and the Download client link breaks

Why are you crying about getting owned? He did nothing wrong, welcome to Rpgs with PVP allowed.

im crying because my loving bread that i spent grinding 50 peices of because i thought it had some effect, didn't work when i tried to use it in combat because there is no way to heal.

please use common sense when reading posts, it does help.

You seriously need either GLOBAL OOC or REPORT, because I lost everything I had when I just joined, and there are no trees in the game world of beginner level.
Well please, use my suggestion. Its unbalanced that way and theres no way to revenge. Add punching or something!
Edit: ooooh, new problem. We lack trees. There are no trees anywhere, and when I find any tree, its loving expensive (Maple Wood for instance). Maybe Killing instead of FakeKilling is a bad idea?!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 11:19:02 AM by Crystalwarrior »

I don't know what you did wrong, but bread has always healed when you aren't at full health.
I've not only used it for myself, but my crew has used it too.  You might've been moving while trying to use it?

I don't know what you did wrong, but bread has always healed when you aren't at full health.
I've not only used it for myself, but my crew has used it too.  You might've been moving while trying to use it?

nope, i wasn't moving. i sat there eating it, it dissapeared about 7 from my inv, and i died from one hit after.

"Penalties- Death is a major thing. You lose all your items you have with you upon dieing, and your stats go down by 1/4. When starting out, don't seek trouble, and try to avoid trouble when you see it. The lust for gold and power is large, and a large bounty is sure to draw in stronger opponents than yourself."

so i just lost like what, 8 hours of grinding from dying twice
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 11:35:52 AM by Feep »

I don't know what you did wrong, but bread has always healed when you aren't at full health.
I've not only used it for myself, but my crew has used it too.  You might've been moving while trying to use it?
I was about to fight against rich and jarr after they jumped us so i ate all the bread i could and got 1 hit killed by a shovel.

Heed can you unban me
Im still banned from 2 years ago :3

Unbanned Jimmg because from the posts I've seen:

-Jimmg did actions a normal player can.
-Seventh proceeded to use admin powers to stop him.

Edit: Also keep in mind this is BETA. Instead of crying over spilt milk, try to help the creator make so the milk doesn't spill.

Welcome to a crappy knock off of DRPG, where things won't work correctly.
suck it noob it's better than yours! make your own crap rpg stop hatin on pirate swag.

shutting down soon, also noobs can't handle the sea.

Edit: Also keep in mind this is BETA. Instead of crying over spilt milk, try to help the creator make so the milk doesn't spill.

Alright yeah,

So far i've noticed:

It would be alot better if you could insta eat food, but with a cooldown of like 10 seconds

cutlasses dont seem to be effected by armor

armor descriptions are all ????

treasure is really, really frustrating to find on cliff faces.

I randomly get killed by cutting down oak trees while standing on top of them

orange stuff should be a different colour, it really really stands out and just looks aweful IMO

also it would be nice to have a global chat, perhaps be able to place personal spawns or crew spawns for 100 gold.

or if not a global chat, atleast an admin help chat

also it would be a great idea to make players leave the server 60 seconds after they disconnect, to stop people from disconnecting in combat.

disconnect in combat is probably going to be replaced by some new log off system. To actually log off you must stay still for 30 seconds, or your items drop when you leave or something. I'm still thinking of something because you can't just prevent people from leaving.

disconnect in combat is probably going to be replaced by some new log off system. To actually log off you must stay still for 30 seconds, or your items drop when you leave or something. I'm still thinking of something because you can't just prevent people from leaving.

a good idea would be a script where you type /save

and it saves your stuff but it takes 30 seconds and it loads it when you rejoin

otherwise you will rejoin and find yourself with the basic tools *you shouldnt drop those on death, i mean come on q_q*

a problem caused by this logout thing is crashing. people sometimes crash, and losing all their stuff wouldn't be fun. i'm going to have to think alot on this one.

a problem caused by this logout thing is crashing. people sometimes crash, and losing all their stuff wouldn't be fun. i'm going to have to think alot on this one.

hmm, true.

what about if the server recieves a disconnect packet, it takes 30-45 seconds to actually remove the player from the world and whatnot?

would that be possible?

also skill loss will not be fun, maybe on death you should lose 1/6 of one skill, randomly selected.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 02:09:34 PM by Feep »