Author Topic: Pirate RPG  (Read 33651 times)

I think I know why I spawned without tools. I joined a faction while loading which according to the prompt was fine.

Seventh is raging because he fetched me because I wouldn't give him any wooden blocks. He then proceeds to try to kill me, I kill him in fair game take his stuff so he /finds me and fetches me into the air. I disconnect before dying and he says I'm banned.

Oh and feep got perma'd too.

Seventh is raging because he fetched me because I wouldn't give him any wooden blocks. He then proceeds to try to kill me, I kill him in fair game take his stuff so he /finds me and fetches me into the air. I disconnect before dying and he says I'm banned.

Oh and feep got perma'd too.
You were right near our base and I fetched you because you were running off with stuff that we were going to use for our group. Then you proceeded to kill me and refuse to give back my stuff that literally took 3 hours to get.

I fetched you into the air to force you to give me my stuff back, you disconnect and I ban you permanently and remove you from my skype.

Feep is unbanned, and also khepri is jimmg.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 04:29:28 AM by SeventhSandwich »

You were right near our base and I fetched you because you were running off with stuff, then you proceeded to kill me and refuse to give back my stuff that literally took 3 hours to get.

I fetched you into the air to force you to give me my stuff back, you disconnect and I ban you permanently and remove you from my skype.

Feep is unbanned, and also khepri is jimmg.
Running off with stuff? Dude, it was my stuff and I was near spawn island. Don't try to turn this around on me because you're too loving lazy to find your own god damned wood.

Running off with stuff? Dude, it was my stuff and I was near spawn island. Don't try to turn this around on me because you're too loving lazy to find your own god damned wood.
I wanted 6 blocks of willow and I offered you a full set of silver armor to help us. You were in a god damned skype call with us.

plus, whether or not I fetched you, you ran off with stuff that took an eternity to get. You are never being unbanned for this.

I told you I didn't want your armor, I'd rather get my own stuff.

I told you I didn't want your armor, I'd rather get my own stuff.
You're ignoring the fact that you stole objects that took three hours of my life to acquire.

You're ignoring the fact that you stole objects that took three hours of my life to acquire.
You attacked me, I retaliated. This is how the gamemode works, suck it up and move on.

You attacked me, I retaliated.
We're in a loving group.

I wasn't expecting you to steal everything I've ever worked for on the server because I wanted to give you free armor.

We're in a loving group.
I don't give a forget, do you expect me to take it like a little bitch?

I don't give a forget, do you expect me to take it like a little bitch?
You're ignoring the fact that you stole objects that took three hours of my life to acquire.
which is really the reason why I'm pissed.

Also you don't loving steal everything from a person who's closely related to you.

It's like this, your friend shows up to your house and opens the door to say hi to you. You immediately blow half his face off with a shotgun because he illegally intruded into your house without your permission.

which is really the reason why I'm pissed.
Grow up, this is how the gamemode works. I already voiced my opinion of giving my stuff over to people in the group because you think my efforts are best used somewhere else.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 04:37:28 AM by Khepri »

Grow up. This is how the gamemode works, I already voiced my opinion of giving my stuff over to people in the group because you think my efforts are best used somewhere else.
I don't even see where you're getting with that.

Either way, absolutely none of the admins would object to your ban considering you are Jimmg, a person who dedicates his entire existence causing grief to others. You will not be missed.

I don't even see where you're getting with that.

Either way, absolutely none of the admins would object to your ban considering you are Jimmg, a person who dedicates his entire existence causing grief to others. You will not be missed.
Lol, now you're going to use my reputation as a tool to justify the ban? Nice one, babe.

Lol, now you're going to use my reputation as a tool to justify the ban? Nice one, babe.
%1 has been permanently banned from the server for ages due to his reputation.

I fail to see the issue.

You weren't banned for your reputation, but you aren't going to be unbanned FOR your reputation.

See brown townogy:
It's like this, your friend shows up to your house and opens the door to say hi to you. You immediately blow half his face off with a shotgun because he illegally intruded into your house without your permission.