Author Topic: The NDAA '12 passed WITH sections 1021, 1022  (Read 2790 times)
and tons of main stream news about it from all over right now, but i figure wiki is best.

Basically, its the bill that by law HAS to be eventually passed every year. usually has tons of military budget amendments for the year.

This year it contains a section for declaring any US citizen a terrorist. can be arrested without charge, and held indefinitely without trial or representation.
They would be held in one of the many large FEMA camps put up across country.

Obama promised everyone he would veto the bill every time it came through with that section. but he waited till dec 31st to sign it into effect.
now he says "my administration would not be using this as its against our bill of rights" or something similar.
kind of a fakey promise now that we know he would lie and sell us out already.

the US is officially and secretly under martial law.

sure one could debate this is for US citizens who are actually terrorists and we got nothing to worry about.
but we all know how a government remains vague and abuses such things.

i still been reading the final version and discussing it on another forum.
but apparently the bill also;
-lowers age limit to join military
-allows the government to reduce your ownership of guns to 1 or zero, anyone any reason.
-allows the president to asses and build MORE nukes to counter Russia and China's growing number. despite russian treaties against it.
-its illegal to horde more then 7 days worth of food (not sure when or how this will ever be enforced)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 09:56:14 AM by Bisjac »

happy new year, america.

It really only affects the people who decide they're going to blow something up. I'm actually fine with this.

It really only affects the people who decide they're going to blow something up. I'm actually fine with this.

no it affects anyone they deem a "terrorist"
occupy wallstreet moment can be easily declared as a terrorist group. or any protest.
anyone who argues their rights to a military personal who is searching them at a checkpoint can be deemed a terrorist on the spot.

this is incredibly vague for a reason.

This is just like loving McCarthyism all over again.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 10:10:22 AM by Electrk »

-its illegal to horde more then 7 days worth of food (not sure when or how this will ever be enforced)

Does it actually say "7 days worth of food"? There's no way of determining how much food is a "days worth." I could eat less food a day averagely than someone else and vice versa.

yeah i know that dont make sense lol.
i assume its a preemptive law in case there is a major economic fail or something. so the first month there just might possibly be enough of whats already on the store shelves to go around before the government begins helping out.
though its impossible to enforce lol
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 10:04:15 AM by Bisjac »

Isn't America all about freedom?


I for one welcome our new incompetent overlords.