Author Topic: An accurate Image Representation of the Forums [WARNING: THE TRUTH MAY HURT]  (Read 10767 times)

Oh great, now it's a fad. Lizzy, what have we done?

Oh great, now it's a fad. Lizzy, what have we done?

It turned into a fad when you made a topic about it.
It was fine until then.

Doesn't seem to be loading for me.
There we go.

Doesn't seem to be loading for me.
TinyPic must be broken out it took a little while for it to load for me.

Honestly what a terrible topic, it's not even accurate. And with a few tweaks it could be accurate (as in, don't idolize bisjac so much, just include ephialtes) and at that I would say we're all well aware that we're pretty hurrdurr.

move bisjac's name to the hurring and durring people and it's accurate

yuki should be taking bisjac's place