Author Topic: Clan[USSR] *new*  (Read 266996 times)

Tell that to Bradnen, I really had little to do with this, besides hosting the server and going along with the joke. Its pretty much all Ronin and Sumz. bitch to them because all I was doing was hosting a server. I think i banned you for 2 minutes or something and immediately unbanned you as a joke. i think Bradnen banned you for 666 minutes.

Hah.  Well when I was requested to ban him, I needed to put a good reason (which was kinda true) and needed to select a time limit.

He's just trying to cover the fact that he actually thought Sumz was a hot girl.

Otherwise he was just hitting on someone he clearly knew was a man.

Ronin, me and lots of other people on that server when you showed the picture thoght that sumz was a hot chick :cookieMonster:

yeah, but you were the only one who believed it

Ronin, me and lots of other people on that server when you showed the picture thoght that sumz was a hot chick :cookieMonster:

 :cookieMonster: :cookieMonster:

yeah, but you were the only one who believed it
Yeah so?
Sumz acts somewhat like a girl ingame (no offence sumz)
And that picture was HOT :cookieMonster:


Oh! Everything said in this topic is true. It was indeed, for the lulz.

yeah, but you were the only one who believed it
Yeah so?
Sumz acts somewhat like a girl ingame (no offence sumz)
And that picture was HOT :cookieMonster:
I guess I am lucky I don't act feminine in any way, otherwise Pro would be hitting on me.

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