Author Topic: My dad may be stalking me.  (Read 6612 times)

So one day I went into my dad's office, I see a paper with all my aliases written down on it.. I immediately changed all my passwords because I knew he had found them out somehow. Last night when I posted about "Stupid freshmen girls thinking they're in love but they're just stupid", This morning my dad came in and said to my brother and I: "I just want to remind you guys that employers use the same method I do to see what you do online, so be careful about what you write about and WHO you write about.

My opinion: Do you honestly think I'm stupid enough to tell my employers about my online aliases? The only reason YOU know them is because I TOLD you in order to buy blockland in the first place. Quit being ridiculous, dad. And stop reading everything I do online because it gets old and it's just plain disturbing.

That was a message if my dad was reading this. Anyway, I feel like he's stalking me online and I have no idea what to do.


uh just say it to his face?

uh just say it to his face?

But if he truly isn't, that would blow my cover. I posted this to see if he'd react.

Do you protect your computer with passwords, is your computer shared?

I read the title as "My dad may be Stocking"

He's making sure you're not a research addict.

And Anybody, when did you start showing up?

hey lunar's dad. your son keeps messaging asking for naked pictures of women.
I hope this is addressed soon and with blunt force

Lunar was loveting me earlier today you should take away his phone.
He also sent me pics of his snake it was grosse.

Hey, Lunar's dad. Your son made me and sister pregnant.

In this situation, the best thing you can do is act responsible.