Road baseplate slope.

Author Topic: Road baseplate slope.  (Read 487 times)

I'm still shocked at how no one has thought of this yet. During v0002/TBM there wasn't sloped roads, we had to manipulate the roads on a specific angle. Now with retail and the brick grid this is impossible.

How come we don't have any road slopes? We could have some up to 1x height, 2x height, 4x cube, 8x cube, 16x cube, etc.

I agree, we need this


Somebody get siba/soba

We really need this


It can't be thaaat hard to make.

It would just be annoying to make since the road isn't a texture. It's colored ramp textures.

Speaking of which if you can't get textures on bricks how did he get ramp textures?

Speaking of which if you can't get textures on bricks how did he get ramp textures?
Of course you can get textures on bricks. The brick textures themselves are UV mapped textures..

I laughed when you said nobody has thought of it yet, considering this is like the 12th topic on it that i've seen in my time.

Instead what's actually going on is nobody wants to take the time to do it and upload to RTB. It's not really that hard to do.

If somebody does eventually decide to do it, I say two things to them: 1. Don't forget that you need to make a collision .dts for it, and 2. cut off the sidewalks on the road ramp. it would be stupid to have sloped studs that you cant build on without looking like stuff.