Author Topic: Jimmg and Iban stirring up stuff.  (Read 4463 times)

So now I'm having to face constant vote kick abuse from these two morons for absolutely no reason. You heard me.


After a constant relay spam of velocity, killing everyone in the server while no admins are there, everyone starts vote kicking who they suspected of doing it. But no, for absolutely no reason, Jimmg decides to start a vote against me for:

"Abusing votekick to fit own needs and assumptions."

The hell? I never even used votekick the entire time. Now you're going to assume that I'm kick happy? (ALL EVIDENCE IN THE IMAGES BELOW)

Next after I got vote kicked for 10 minutes, I come back and vote kick him for TRULY abusing the vote kick function. (Vote kicking me for absolutely no valid reason.) And honestly, I don't think most who read this are going to believe me when I said I haven't abused vote kick or even used it until I came back and tried to vote kick Jimmg (which failed 3 to 4), but I never did, not once. Anyway, so after that failed. IBAN decides to put his head into the group orgy session of friendry. (Which is included in the images below) and decides to vote kick me.

Anyway, enjoy the images. This happened on Brian Smith's City RP or whatever (It's a great server, just a lack of moderation).

(Adding more pictures after the OP)

More pictures:

I thought the pair would've committed their rape/Self Delete by now.

Last pictures:

I thought the pair would've committed their rape/Self Delete by now.

I don't even know. I never had problems with Jimmg until today. Iban just had to be there.

Last pictures:

Honestly I woulda votekicked LewnJa too, he's a raging cigarettegatron.

Honestly I woulda votekicked LewnJa too, he's a raging cigarettegatron.

Stocking. I /am/ LewnaJa.


First picture: Iban wanding me in the bank.
Second picture: He's still wanding me.
Third picture: Jimmg votekicking me, iban still wanding me, and Jimmg abusing a votekick glitch.
I also forgot to take a picture of this, but both Feep and Iban were wanding me when I was trying to mine.

I'm posting these here too, these are related to this entire event.

No loving stuff.

Lolol. Anyway, it doesn't matter what I was doing, the point is I was absolutely innocent and this douche nozzle decides to take a swing at me with the ban hammer.

You know what's funny? Both of the mods used on that server were WRITTEN by Iban.

why is he such an starfish?

I haven't seen much of Jimmg besides that old "Loki" alt.
But I've seen two full fledged Iban alts so I know how stupid he is.
Off topic a bit, wasn't Retz your other account?

I'm posting these here too, these are related to this entire event.

These are useful, thanks.

you guys are silly.

Jimmg was kicking lewnaja because lewnaja framed Jimmg for abusing impulse events.

so we votekicked him for framing him.