Author Topic: Post blockheads who you've met/plan or want to meet in real life.  (Read 6015 times)

Rocknrollwill and JackBlueJack are going to be going to my high school next year, so I'm going to meet them.

Haven't met anyone. Would like to meet Pieslapper and Bubbagum.

They're really the only people who have ever talked to me outside of the forums. forever alone

I want to meet Riot <3
I live in dem dere suburbs of Philadelphia, PA
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 10:29:24 PM by FrozenCitruS »

I will now plan to meet whoever said they live in NC soon. :D

my dad is badspot

But I do want to meet Extrude.
fucfkin lets trade herpes

I'm going to meet Healbadbad.

I want to meet Jubel

I plan on meeting Daedalus if I can.

I want to meet Kyzor, Kohna or Makanix

I'm planning on meeting rockslide26 because he lives close to me.
I'm not planning to meet Lord Tony even though he lives close to me.

perhaps I want to meet Clone, Megabear, Veg, Front, and maybe some others
I only plan on meeting one person although he was banned from the forums a few months over a year ago
never met anyone though
not that I know of anyway

perhaps I want to meet Clone, Megabear, Veg, Front, and maybe some others
I only plan on meeting one person although he was banned from the forums a few months over a year ago
never met anyone though
not that I know of anyway

Awww, cute.


I've texted Unwritten Calendar and such.  Don't really plan on meeting anyone else.