Author Topic: GUI Help.  (Read 1167 times)

Yeah imma start to try and learn how to make decent gui's so as i come ascross questions ill post them here instead of making a new Topic for each one.

How do you make a list with everyone in the servers name on it. Like in the Admin Gui.

How would you get text from a text box and insert it into a line eg:
[Text Box] ( Push Me )
*Push's Button*
%player.setShapeName(//What person typed in the box here)

1. On the Internet there should be a way of making a player list like BL0002's. It can be adapted, I'm looking for the code now.

2. In the GUI editor create a text box, "txtShapeName", and a button, "butShapeName". In the button, set its "Text" to "Push Me" and the "Command" to "commandtoserver('shapename',txtShapeName.getValue());". Push Apply and save it. Add a function to the scripts -
Code: [Select]
function servercmdShapeName(%client,%name)