Author Topic: Gamemode_TriMining  (Read 738 times)

I've had an idea for a gamemode for quite a while and have really wanted to make it, yet I've never had the time or patience to do so in the past. However, I have about a week with nothing to do before school starts up again, and would like to give it a shot.

Background Flavor
A resource rich asteroid the size of a moon is discovered during one of the most profitable times for space mining companies. Three different companies (Currently Red, Blue, and Green) venture to it to begin operations, unaware of each other's presence.

End Goal
Mine through an infinite field of asteroid, collecting resources. Either become more profitable than your competitors or forcefully remove them.

Appearance and Movement
[Red player] [Blue player] [Green player] (pics pending)

All players will start with a slightly modified top-down playertype.

Map Behavior
The map consists of a randomly generated grid of 4x4x100 blocks that have resources randomly scattered throughout (Similar to the Infinite Mining mod). Within this grid are the 3 bases that are semi-random distances from each other (Not of close, but not too far). Each base will be [undetermined size] large and have a spawn area (with raycast protection), a resource depot, [ATM], and an upgrade machine.

Players use a mining tool to be able to mine. Rock yields no rewards and is easily broke after hitting it [x number] times. Resource is more rare and yields [x number] credits when deposited. It is broken after [x number] hits.

Resource Depot
Players take their resource to the depot in exchange for credits. If the depot is ever destroyed, the team that owns it immediately loses.

Players can deposit credits into the machine. When it reaches [a large number], that team wins the game automatically.

Upgrade Machine
Players can also use their credits to purchase three different types of upgrades for their team; Weapon, Player, and Mining.

All players start with just a simple laser pistol, but this can be upgraded to more damaging weapons (ie Shotgun, Minigun, etc.)

Players can upgrade themselves to increase speed and health, eventually unlocking a few different powersuits.

Upgrades to the mining tool can be made, all of which help you to mine faster.

Gameplay Mechanics
The three team, two win condition structure of this game provides a lot of opportunity for strategy planning. You might never see the other team if the mine in the complete opposite direction. If that's the case, which upgrades help you mine faster so you can win the [ATM] race? If you find the enemy team right away, which upgrades will help you best defend your base? There are many more of these kinds of choice, all of which effect your chances of winning.

When a player dies, any credits they had goes to the killer. Players respawn with whatever upgrades and equipment they had before they died. Players lose any resource they were carrying.

When a team loses their depot, the entire team dies and goes into spectate mode.

Overall (4%)
Gamemode (0%)
Weapons (23%)
-Pistol (50%)
-Shotgun (20%)
-Minigun (0%)
Playertypes (0%)
-Default (0%)
-Health (0%)
-Speed (0%)
Mining Tools (0%)

Possible Additions
Rock added to inventory
Inventory space limit
Random % of getting credit from rock on deposit
More weapons

Final Notes
Anything that's in brackets is subject to change.

I will definitely need some help with this mod, especially when it comes to scripting. All help is very much appreciated and anyone who helps will receive credit towards the creation of this mod.

I like it, it reminds me of a movie but I can't think what right now. Anyway you could probably use Slayer or TDM to handle the teams. In fact you could probably build the entire gamemode off one of those.

I like it, it reminds me of a movie but I can't think what right now. Anyway you could probably use Slayer or TDM to handle the teams. In fact you could probably build the entire gamemode off one of those.

slayer promotion detected.


Jk anyways, I see alot of projects started here, but nobody ever finishes them..