

Spaceship o.O
Candy Van.
TARDIS (Police Box)

Author Topic: BNFB: An AVIATION and Building Clan. Thank you all!  (Read 178934 times)

Rats, I was looking forward to my nice. new, shiny chevrons
Dont worry.
I might
We would be glad to have you.

Do I get my own plane included?

In game name: Headshot
BL_ID: 18041
What you are good at: Building/Flying
Why you want to join: Because, I like to fly and build, and this clan seems to offer both.

New applicant, we're growin fast

New applicant, we're growin fast
No he was already in. I wanted to know his job before I added him :3
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 06:29:29 PM by SailorMan »

I need to read the memberslist.....

My Blockland window is officially forgeted up :C

I was on, may have hit command and something else together (Command= Doom Key.) And WAMMO, now I cannot open up Blocland. Im not going to be on tonight, I don't think.

I was on, may have hit command and something else together And WAMMO, now I cannot open up Blocland. Im not going to be on tonight, I don't think.

That sucks. Will you be on soon?

That sucks. Will you be on soon?

Most likely, playing on a crappy wireless connection,so I wont be hosting until it is fixed.

Ive only had charter for like two months now, and in the first week the Modem broke, then the internet went out, and then it did again, although when it works, since my dads computer is directly wired to it, I get roughly 8 Megs roughly, used from ATT&T, after paying for 3, got 2.1, now its in the 40s, and i get virtually none of it

Sorry for the DP but this is urgent, Do we have a BlockoWorld booth?

I would like to apply...

In game name: Bryan Winters
BL_ID: 22700
What are you good at: Flying/building (terrain only)
Why you want to join: Because I like to fly, and love your servers.

P.S. I can't post pics, I can show you my best build though, if you really need it...

In game name: Marty McFly
BL_ID: 35291
What you are good at: Fighting
Why you want to join: Because I like flying with other crew members and taking down the enemy,

What are you good at: Flying/building (terrain only)

I just realized I'm gonna be building a lot of terrain after V21 comes out (if I get accepted) ...