

Spaceship o.O
Candy Van.
TARDIS (Police Box)

Author Topic: BNFB: An AVIATION and Building Clan. Thank you all!  (Read 178971 times)

Aw I saw it too late, I would've joined.

wait, so its back up? k i will join later today

It won't be up tonight, I have Civil Air Patrol for most of the time after school today :\

It won't be up tonight, I have Civil Air Patrol for most of the time after school today :\
so whats Civil air Patrol? is it like the Police/fire explorers/boy scouts? or do you have a job at an airport?

The Civil Air Patrol is the Airforce Auxiliary. C.A.P. was formed a week before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Their primary missions during WWII were coastal patrol (They sunk 2 subs, a whale, and spotted a stuff ton), border patrol, and search and rescue. After WWII ended, they were officially established the USAF Aux. Since then, and today, our primary goal has been Search And Rescue, Counter Drug Operations, Emergency Services, Damage Assessments, teaching kids about Aerospace, etc etc. Each squadron meets at different places, and some meet at Airports. We often do Color Guard for parades, and local community service. We have saved the air force about  $1 Billion Dollars last year.

But yeah, there are squadron meetings every week. The first week is moral leadership, safety briefing, etc. The Second is PT (Physical Training), and the last 2-3 are Aerospace and other activities. (Atleast in my squadron).

We do really cool hands on stuff as well, like "Orientation Flights." Cadets can actually go flying in CAP's Cessna 172's and 182's, at the controls. Also, cadets have the opportunity use radios, help to coordinate SAR missions, find missing ELTs, and do anything we are needed for.

This program is my liiiffeee. I can't wait for every Tuesday to come around. It is a great program. I have learned so much from this. If you plan on going into the military, you learn how to wear uniforms, customs and courtesies, etc. If you get the Spaatz award, which is CAP's equivalent to the Boy Scouts' Eagle Scout rank, you can go into the military as an E5, which is the highest rank you can go in as an enlisted person. (Don't quote me on that, Im not sure if it is exactly that rank). Even if you aren't planning on going into the military, there are great leadership opportunities, life skills, and incredible opportunities that you may not find else wear that you can do.

Just gonna drop this here.....
Thought it was pretty cool

Happy Thanksgiving and Chanukah everyone! Have a great time and be careful if you deep-fry your turkey! We may do something Saturday... Not sure what yet.

Happy Thanksgiving and Chanukah everyone! Have a great time and be careful if you deep-fry your turkey! We may do something Saturday... Not sure what yet.
Happy thanksgiving to you to

We may do something Saturday... Not sure what yet.

Saturday is good but only before 7PM EST

I'd like to apply once more, you kinda already know the stuff I say so
Im good at eventing and building planes, Pretty good at boats, and really bad at cars
I'm sometimes really annoying, but just tell me to stop if I am
and thats kinda all
You know my user, and my BL_ID but as a refresher
BL_ID: 38031 (Dont judge me, I know i'm a 38k-er)
User: UnknownDarkness

Server is up right now, please IRC me for the PASS!

-snip of info-
This actually sounds REALLY interesting. As a boy scout, this sounds like a real cool thing for people to do.