Author Topic: Throwmod causing people to crash  (Read 736 times)

So whenever someone picks someone up with throwmod on my server it causes the person who is being lifted up to crash. This happens with original mod and Munk's updated version.

Would this be caused by another add-on or something?

same thing happened to me.
but i just deleted the add-on.

same thing happened to me.
but i just deleted the add-on.
I know I can do that but I want to use it. I'm going to try and use it with default add-ons only enabled to see if it makes any difference.

Double post.

I was also able to find this stuff from the console log if it's of any use.

Add-Ons/Server_Test/server.cs (60): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'playThread'
BackTrace: ->[PirateCannonPackage]armor::onTrigger->[TankPackage]armor::onTrigger->armor::onTrigger->[ThrowMod]Player::ActivateStuff->Player::attemptThrow

Add-Ons/Server_Test/server.cs (61): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'setLookLimits'
BackTrace: ->[PirateCannonPackage]armor::onTrigger->[TankPackage]armor::onTrigger->armor::onTrigger->[ThrowMod]Player::ActivateStuff->Player::attemptThrow

Add-Ons/Server_Test/server.cs (63): Unable to find object: '0' attempting to call function 'addVelocity'
BackTrace: ->[PirateCannonPackage]armor::onTrigger->[TankPackage]armor::onTrigger->armor::onTrigger->[ThrowMod]Player::ActivateStuff->Player::attemptThrow

I would suggest attaching the whole console.log to a post.

I would suggest attaching the whole console.log to a post.