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Author Topic: Warrior Cats of Blockland [WCoB]  (Read 5782 times)

Field Form:

Cat Name:BlueClaw
Clan: SkyClan
Gender: Male
Picture (Optional): N/A
Specials: Deputy of New Skyclan; Thus, allowing him to command most cats in the clan.
Moves: Commands, Sneak, Camouflage, Claw-Attack, Training Attack, Pound, Claw-Slice, Scratch.
Level (1-50): 45
Information: The deputy of New Skyclan (The Future Skyclan)
Extras (More Details of the Cat): Great in fighting. Will become New Skyclan leader after the present
Skyclan leader retires or dies. Can command most cats. All of the Skyclan trusts him. Is a good friend
with Bluestar and Firestar.

Cat Name: FireStar
Rank: Leader
Clan: ThunderClan
Colors: Red-Orange
Gender: Male
Picture (Optional): N/A
Specials: stuff i dunno
Moves: Scratch, bite, pounce
Level (1-50): wtf do you mean level
Information: Leader of ThunderClan.
Extras (More Details of the Cat): Was once a kittypet and saved the clan camp from a pack of dogs as their old leader died in the dog raid.

Cat Name: FireStar
Rank: Leader
Clan: ThunderClan
Colors: Red-Orange
Gender: Male
Picture (Optional): N/A
Specials: N/A
Moves: Scratch, bite, pounce
Level (1-50): 50
Information: Leader of ThunderClan.
Extras (More Details of the Cat): Was once a kittypet and saved the clan camp from a pack of dogs as their old leader died in the dog raid.

You are now in the cat list.

Updated to V2

Update Details: Added new clan; Fireclan

Why would cats need a level in warriors, it doesn't seem to fit.
And moves?
Is this pokemon now?

This book was my favorite.

When I was 9.

Why would cats need a level in warriors, it doesn't seem to fit.
And moves?
Is this pokemon now?

Well, the moves are like attacks..Every cat has attacks. And no, this isn't Pokemon, if you ever read the books, you would understand.
And the levels are just so that cats would fear the cats that have higher levels. The levels aren't necessary but I thought it would be good...

Well, the moves are like attacks..Every cat has attacks. And no, this isn't Pokemon, if you ever read the books, you would understand.
And the levels are just so that cats would fear the cats that have higher levels. The levels aren't necessary but I thought it would be good...
I've read the books, in fact I was obssessed with them when I was younger.

I've read the books, in fact I was obssessed with them when I was younger.

Well good for you! I am obsessed with the series right now..My cat is like one of the warriors.

Take this down, the people who "apped" are being sarcastic. Also, lern2BLmeme. Cnai b doge is something everyone should know.

My idea is that you shut this topic down.
Wait haven't we all agreed that this guys clans suck ass.

I was always quite shocked that there could actually be a successful series of books about cats that kill people.

I was always quite shocked that there could actually be a successful series of books about cats that kill people.
They don't kill people, they kill other cats.