Author Topic: Panic! at the disco.  (Read 4516 times)

Are you a fan of Panic! at the disco? If you are, Well done, Some people think it's sh!t, But it's awsome.
But I need help with something, (Panic! at the disco fans only) Is mary in balled of mona lisa katy perry?
If you know, Tell me please.

Ok, I just thought she was because she looks agsactly like her, Thx.

Ya, can't a kid listen to some music, gosh.

Ya, can't a kid listen to some music, gosh.
gotta be 9 or older

I'm gonna be 9 on april 2nd,& I started to listen to rock at 7 so stfu, my life not yours...

PatD sucks so many roosters

Yea, Ik, But there's only 2 songs that are the best, The ballad of monalisa and I write sins not tragadies.


I'm gonna be 9 on april 2nd,& I started to listen to rock at 7 so stfu, my life not yours...
I love when kids take things seriously.